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Third gen of the Portal

This repo represents a refactor of the site.

The dev site currently builds from rackerlabs/devsite but only accepts new blog posts as of March 1 2014.

We are migrating to this repo by June-ish 2014. The areas now building are:

  • /src/docs/: Getting Started Guides, built using Sphinx
  • /src/site_source: Rest of the web site layout and content, built using Jekyll

In progress:

  • /api/: maven, content maintained in rackerlabs/docs-api-reference
  • elastic search

To do:

  • assets to CDN
  • feeds

Development Setup

  1. Download and install Vagrant 1.6 or higher.

  2. Download and install VirtualBox.

  3. Download and install Ansible 1.6.3 or higher.

  • On Mac OSX machines with Homebrew installed, you can simply run:
brew update && brew install ansible
  • To check your Ansible version, you can run:
ansible --version
  • If the version of Ansible from your package manager is too out of date, you can always find the most recent version from pip:
sudo pip install --upgrade ansible
  1. Ensure that you are in the root directory of this repo; e.g., cd ~/src/ (or wherever you've cloned it). If you haven't cloned the repo, fork it via the Github web interface and then

    $ git clone {your-repo-path}/
  2. Then, fetch the git submodules if you haven't already.

    $ git submodule update --init
  3. Run Vagrant to set up a VirtualBox VM running a development environment and automatically publish changes to local files to the development VM. Note: This command will run in the foreground and will not allow this terminal window to be used for anything else. If you need to do more commandline work, please open a new window and continue there.

    $ vagrant up && vagrant rsync-auto
  4. That's it! Your development environment is setup in a VirtualBox VM! It's contents are:

    • A web server running Nginx, accessible at http://localhost:8000.
    • If you have problems with the watcher process, view the logs with:
      sudo tail -F /var/log/upstart/watcher.log


Gen 3 of the Portal







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