Sauce Demo repo for
- Chrome browser installed
- Nodejs installed
- Testcafe installed
Clone repository using git bash to your desired location:
git clone
Open the cloned project using Visual Studio Code (VSCode)
In VSCode's terminal run the following command:
npm install
Create a .env file at project's root
Populate the .env file with valid username and password for the Suacedemo app
Example below, replace the values in curly braces (remove the curly braces as well):-------.env file-----------
Execute below command in VSCode's terminal to run all the tests in Chrome:
npm run test-all-chrome
Execute below command in VSCode's terminal to run all the tests in Chrome and generate a HTML execution report*:
npm run test-all-chrome-with-report
Execute below command in VSCode's terminal to run all the tests in Firefox:
npm run test-all-firefox
Execute below command in VSCode's terminal to run all the tests in Firefox and generate a HTML execution report*:
npm run test-all-firefox-with-report
Execute below command in VSCode's terminal to run all the tests in Safari:
npm run test-all-safari
Execute below command in VSCode's terminal to run all the tests in Safari and generate a HTML execution report*:
npm run test-all-safari-with-report
Execute below command in VSCode's terminal to run all the tests in MS Edge:
npm run test-all-edge
Execute below command in VSCode's terminal to run all the tests in MS Edge and generate a HTML execution report*:
npm run test-all-edge-with-report
*HTML Execution Report will be located in below path: