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A JDBC backend for konserve.


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Clojars Project

Synchronous Execution

(require '[konserve-jdbc.core :refer [connect-jdbc-store]]
         '[konserve.core :as k])

(def db-spec
  {:dbtype "sqlite"
   :dbname "./tmp/sql/konserve"})
(def store (connect-jdbc-store db-spec :opts {:sync? true}))

(k/assoc-in store ["foo" :bar] {:foo "baz"} {:sync? true})
(k/get-in store ["foo"] nil {:sync? true})
(k/exists? store "foo" {:sync? true})

(k/assoc-in store [:bar] 42 {:sync? true})
(k/update-in store [:bar] inc {:sync? true})
(k/get-in store [:bar] nil {:sync? true})
(k/dissoc store :bar {:sync? true})

(k/append store :error-log {:type :horrible} {:sync? true})
(k/log store :error-log {:sync? true})

(let [ba (byte-array (* 10 1024 1024) (byte 42))]
  (time (k/bassoc store "banana" ba {:sync? true})))

(k/bassoc store :binbar (byte-array (range 10)) {:sync? true})
(k/bget store :binbar (fn [{:keys [input-stream]}]
                               (map byte (slurp input-stream)))
       {:sync? true})

Asynchronous Execution

(ns test-db
  (require '[konserve-jdbc.core :refer [connect-jdbc-store]]
           '[clojure.core.async :refer [<!]]
           '[konserve.core :as k])

(def db-spec
  {:dbtype "sqlite"
   :dbname "./tmp/sql/konserve"})
(def store (<! (connect-jdbc-store db-spec :opts {:sync? false})))

(<! (k/assoc-in store ["foo" :bar] {:foo "baz"}))
(<! (k/get-in store ["foo"]))
(<! (k/exists? store "foo"))

(<! (k/assoc-in store [:bar] 42))
(<! (k/update-in store [:bar] inc))
(<! (k/get-in store [:bar]))
(<! (k/dissoc store :bar))

(<! (k/append store :error-log {:type :horrible}))
(<! (k/log store :error-log))

(<! (k/bassoc store :binbar (byte-array (range 10)) {:sync? false}))
(<! (k/bget store :binbar (fn [{:keys [input-stream]}]
                            (map byte (slurp input-stream)))
            {:sync? false}))


To enable the use of the same JDBC database for multiple stores all jdbc specs accept a table name. The table can specified separately or passed in the db-spec.

(def pg-cfg  {:dbtype  "postgresql"
              :jdbcUrl "postgresql://user:password@localhost/konserve"})

(def store-a (connect-jdbc-store pg-cfg :table "this_application" :opts {:sync? true}))
(def store-b (connect-jdbc-store pg-cfg :table "that_application" :opts {:sync? true}))

(def pg-cfg-a  {:dbtype  "postgresql"
                :jdbcUrl "postgresql://user:password@localhost/konserve"
                :table   "this_application"})

(def pg-cfg-b  {:dbtype  "postgresql"
                :jdbcUrl "postgresql://user:password@localhost/konserve"
                :table   "that_application"})

(def also-store-a (connect-jdbc-store pg-cfg-a :opts {:sync? true}))
(def also-store-b (connect-jdbc-store pg-cfg-b :opts {:sync? true}))

In terms of priority a table specified using the keyword argument takes priority, followed by the one specified in the db-spec. If no table is specified konserve is used as the table name.

(def cfg-a  {:dbtype  "postgresql"
             :jdbcUrl "postgresql://user:password@localhost/konserve"})

(def cfg-b  {:dbtype  "postgresql"
             :jdbcUrl "postgresql://user:password@localhost/konserve"
             :table   "water"})

(def store-a (connect-jdbc-store cfg-a :opts {:sync? true})) ;; table name => konserve
(def store-b (connect-jdbc-store cfg-b :opts {:sync? true}))  ;; table name => water 
(def store-c (connect-jdbc-store cfg-b :table "fire" :opts {:sync? true})) ;;table name => fire

Supported Databases

BREAKING CHANGE: konserve-jdbc versions after 0.1.79 no longer include actual JDBC drivers. Before you upgrade please make sure your application provides the necessary dependencies.

Not all databases available for JDBC have been tested to work with this implementation. Other databases might still work, but there is no guarantee. Please see working drivers in the dev-alias in the deps.edn file. If you are interested in another database, please feel free to contact us.

Fully supported so far are the following databases:

  1. PostgreSQL
(def pg-cfg  {:dbtype "postgresql"
              :dbname "konserve"
              :host "localhost"
              :user "user"
              :password "password"})

(def pg-url  {:dbtype  "postgresql"
              :jdbcUrl "postgresql://user:password@localhost/konserve"})
  1. MySQL
(def mysql-cfg {:dbtype "mysql"
                :dbname "konserve"
                :host "localhost"
                :user "user"
                :password "password"})

(def mysql-url {:dbtype  "mysql"
                :jdbcUrl "mysql://user:password@localhost/konserve"})
  1. SQlite
(def sqlite {:dbtype "sqlite"
             :dbname "/konserve"})
  1. SQLserver
(def sqlserver {:dbtype "sqlserver"
                :dbname "konserve"
                :host "localhost"
                :user "sa"
                :password "password"})
  1. MSSQL
(def mssql {:dbtype "mssql"
            :dbname "konserve"
            :host "localhost"
            :user "sa"
            :password "password"})
  1. H2
(def h2 {:dbtype "h2"
         :dbname "tmp/konserve;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE"
         :user "sa"
         :password ""})

Commercial support

We are happy to provide commercial support with lambdaforge. If you are interested in a particular feature, please let us know.


Copyright © 2021-2022 Judith Massa, Alexander Oloo

Licensed under Eclipse Public License (see LICENSE).