A Typst package for Polytechnique student reports.
For a short introduction to Typst features and detailled information about the package, check the guide (available from the repo only).
If you want to use it on local, make sure you have the font "New Computer Modern Sans" installed.
Define variables at the top of the template :
#let title = "Rapport de stage en entreprise sur plusieurs lignes automatiquement"
#let subtitle = "Un sous-titre pour expliquer ce titre"
#let logo = image("path/to/my-logo.png")
#let logo-horizontal = true
#let short-title = "Rapport de stage"
#let authors = ("Rémi Germe")
#let date-start = datetime(year: 2024, month: 06, day: 05)
#let date-end = datetime(year: 2024, month: 09, day: 05)
#let despair-mode = false
#set text(lang: "fr")
These variables will be used for PDF metadata, default cover page and default header.
Contributions are welcomed ! See contribution guidelines.
- heading not at the end of a page : might be tricky