Update readme. [Remco Haszing]
Use setuptools instead of distutils. [Remco Haszing]
Fix code in README. [Remco Haszing]
Update gitignore. [Remco Haszing]
Remove accidentally added build folder. [Remco Haszing]
Add gitignore. [Remco Haszing]
Remove metadata from source code. [Remco Haszing]
Add installable script. [Remco Haszing]
Fix docstring. [Remco Haszing]
Convert README to rst. [Remco Haszing]
Fix for both python 2 and 3. [Remco Haszing]
Updated setup files for pypi. [Trollhammaren]
Put unicode_literals import on top of the file. [Trollhammaren]
Added some examples to the README. [Trollhammaren]
Fixed a small typo. [Trollhammaren]
Added for packaging the module. [Trollhammaren]
Updated sources so they can be packaged for pypi. [Trollhammaren]
License changed to WTFPL and added to separate file. Made script
compatible with Python3. README updated. [Trollhammaren]
Small create_magic_packet doc edit. [Trollhammaren]
Support for waking multiple computers using one socket. - Fixed
default port - Fixed support for port forwarded ports. [Trollhammaren]
Typo in wake_multi. [Trollhammaren]
Help message %s is now shown as args[0] [Trollhammaren]
License added. [Trollhammaren]
"Only import sys if it is necessary" [Trollhammaren]
"README edited"" [Trollhammaren]
Initial commit. [Trollhammaren]
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