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Added to_binary and from_binary
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Eagle941 committed Dec 16, 2023
1 parent 1330149 commit eafa2cb
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Showing 3 changed files with 220 additions and 19 deletions.
78 changes: 63 additions & 15 deletions ProvenZk/Binary.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -178,6 +178,50 @@ def vector_zmod_to_bit {n d : Nat} (a : Vector (ZMod n) d) : Vector Bit d :=
def vector_bit_to_zmod {n d : Nat} (a : Vector Bit d) : Vector (ZMod n) d := (fun x => Bit.toZMod x) a

lemma bit_to_zmod_equiv {d} [Fact (n > 1)] (x : Vector Bit d) (y : Vector (ZMod n) d) (h : is_vector_binary y):
vector_bit_to_zmod x = y ↔ x = vector_zmod_to_bit y := by
apply Iff.intro
. intro hv
rename_i d
rw [<-hv]
induction x, y using Vector.inductionOn₂ with
| nil => simp
| cons ih=>
rename_i x y xs ys
simp [vector_bit_to_zmod, vector_zmod_to_bit]
simp [Vector.vector_eq_cons]
refine ⟨?_, ?_⟩
. simp [bit_to_zmod_to_bit]
. rw [<-vector_bit_to_zmod, <-vector_zmod_to_bit]
apply ih
. simp [is_vector_binary_cons] at h
. simp [vector_bit_to_zmod] at hv
simp [Vector.vector_eq_cons] at hv
rw [<-vector_bit_to_zmod] at hv
. intro hv
rename_i d
rw [hv]
induction x, y using Vector.inductionOn₂ with
| nil => simp
| cons ih=>
rename_i x y xs ys
simp [vector_bit_to_zmod, vector_zmod_to_bit]
simp [Vector.vector_eq_cons]
refine ⟨?_, ?_⟩
. rw [zmod_to_bit_to_zmod]
. simp [is_vector_binary_cons] at h
. rw [<-vector_bit_to_zmod, <-vector_zmod_to_bit]
apply ih
. simp [is_vector_binary_cons] at h
. simp [vector_zmod_to_bit] at hv
simp [Vector.vector_eq_cons] at hv
rw [<-vector_zmod_to_bit] at hv

lemma vector_zmod_to_bit_last {n d : Nat} {xs : Vector (ZMod n) (d+1)} :
(vector_zmod_to_bit xs).last = (zmod_to_bit xs.last) := by
simp [vector_zmod_to_bit, Vector.last]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -297,19 +341,21 @@ lemma parity_bit_unique (a b : Bit) (c d : Nat) : a + 2 * c = b + 2 * d -> a = b
. assumption

theorem binary_nat_unique {d} (rep1 rep2 : Vector Bit d):
recover_binary_nat rep1 = recover_binary_nat rep2 -> rep1 = rep2 := by
intro h
induction d with
| zero => apply Vector.zero_subsingleton.allEq;
| succ d1 ih =>
simp [recover_binary_nat] at h
rw [←Vector.cons_head_tail rep1]
rw [←Vector.cons_head_tail rep2]
have h := parity_bit_unique _ _ _ _ h
cases h
apply congr
. apply congrArg; assumption
. apply ih; assumption
recover_binary_nat rep1 = recover_binary_nat rep2 ↔ rep1 = rep2 := by
apply Iff.intro
. intro h
induction d with
| zero => apply Vector.zero_subsingleton.allEq;
| succ d1 ih =>
simp [recover_binary_nat] at h
rw [←Vector.cons_head_tail rep1]
rw [←Vector.cons_head_tail rep2]
have h := parity_bit_unique _ _ _ _ h
cases h
apply congr
. apply congrArg; assumption
. apply ih; assumption
. tauto

theorem binary_nat_lt {d} (rep : Vector Bit d): recover_binary_nat rep < 2 ^ d := by
induction d with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -363,7 +409,8 @@ theorem binary_zmod_unique {n d} (rep1 rep2 : Vector Bit d):
rw [same_recs]
rw [binary_zmod_same_as_nat rep1 d_small] at same_vals
rw [binary_zmod_same_as_nat rep2 d_small] at same_vals
exact binary_nat_unique _ _ same_vals
simp [binary_nat_unique] at same_vals

theorem recover_binary_nat_to_bits_le {w : Vector Bit d}:
recover_binary_nat w = v ↔
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -646,7 +693,8 @@ theorem fin_to_bits_le_recover_binary_nat {v : Vector Bit d}:
. rename_i h
rw [←recover_binary_nat_to_bits_le] at h
exact binary_nat_unique _ _ h
simp [binary_nat_unique] at h
. contradiction

theorem SubVector_map_cast_lower {v : SubVector α n prop} {f : α → β }:
Expand Down
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions ProvenZk/Gates.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -117,3 +117,40 @@ def GatesGnark_9 (N : Nat) [Fact (Nat.Prime N)] : Gates_base (ZMod N) := {
cmp := GatesDef.cmp_9
le := GatesDef.le_9

lemma recover_nat_unique (N : Nat) [Fact (Nat.Prime N)] (i1 i2 : Vector Bit (binary_length N)) :
i1 = i2 ↔ recover_binary_nat i1 = recover_binary_nat i2 := by
apply Iff.intro
. apply congr_arg
. simp [binary_nat_unique]

lemma recover_nat_different (N : Nat) [Fact (Nat.Prime N)] (i1 i2 : Vector Bit (binary_length N)) :
i1 ≠ i2 ↔ recover_binary_nat i1 ≠ recover_binary_nat i2 := by
simp [recover_nat_unique]

-- Given a Vector of size `binary_length N`, there are at least two numbers with length `binary_length N`
-- whose `mod N` returns the same value.
lemma recover_mod_not_unique (N : Nat) [Fact (Nat.Prime N)] (i1 i2 : Vector Bit (binary_length N)) :
(recover_binary_nat i2) % N = (recover_binary_nat i1) % N →
((recover_binary_nat i2) + N) % N = (recover_binary_nat i1) % N:= by
simp [Nat.mod_eq_sub_mod]

lemma recover_unique (N : Nat) [Fact (Nat.Prime N)] (i1 : Vector Bit (binary_length N)) :
∃i2 : Vector Bit (binary_length N),
(recover_binary_nat i2) = (recover_binary_nat i1) →
i2 = i1 := by
apply Exists.intro
. assumption
. tauto

Given three numbers
`i1` `i2` and `i3 = i2 + N`
le i1 i2 = le i1 i3
i1 < i2 ≠ i1 < i3
124 changes: 120 additions & 4 deletions ProvenZk/GatesEquivalence.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,18 @@ theorem eq_mul_sides (a b out: ZMod N) : b ≠ 0 → ((out = a * b⁻¹) ↔ (ou
. tauto
. contradiction

lemma split_vector_eq_cons {x : α} {xs : Vector α d} {y : Vector α d.succ} :
x ::ᵥ xs = y ↔ x = y.head ∧ xs = y.tail := by
apply Iff.intro
. intro h
rw [<-h]
. intro h
casesm* (_ ∧ _)
rename_i hx hxs
rw [hx, hxs]

lemma is_bool_equivalence {a : ZMod N} :
GatesDef.is_bool a ↔ a = 0 ∨ a = 1 := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,7 +245,9 @@ lemma lookup_equivalence {b0 b1 i0 i1 i2 i3 out : ZMod N} :

lemma cmp_equivalence : sorry := by sorry -- TODO
lemma cmp_equivalence {a b out : ZMod N} :
GatesDef.cmp_9 a b out ↔ if a = b then out = 0 else (if a.val < b.val then out = -1 else out = 1) := by
sorry -- TODO

lemma is_zero_equivalence {a out: ZMod N} :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,12 +303,114 @@ lemma is_zero_equivalence' {a out: ZMod N} :
. tauto

lemma le_equivalence : sorry := by sorry -- TODO
lemma le_equivalence {a b : ZMod N} :
GatesDef.le_9 a b ↔ a.val < b.val := by
sorry -- TODO

def nat_to_binary_self {d : Nat} {h : d >= 1} :
recover_binary_nat (nat_to_bits_le_full_n d x) = x % 2^d := by
induction d generalizing x with
| zero =>
| succ d' ih =>
simp [recover_binary_nat, nat_to_bits_le_full_n]
have : recover_binary_nat (nat_to_bits_le_full_n d' (x / 2)) = (x/2) % 2^d' := by
if 1 <= d' then
rw [ih (x := x/2)]
rw [Nat.succ_eq_add_one] at h
rw [ge_iff_le, le_add_iff_nonneg_left] at h
have : d' = 0 := by
simp [nat_to_bits_le_full_n, recover_binary_nat, Nat.mod_one]
rw [this]
rw [<-Nat.div2_val]
simp [bit_mod_two]
. rename_i h
simp only [Bit.toNat]
rw [Nat.mod_pow_succ]
rw [<-Nat.div2_val]
rw [h]
. rename_i h
simp only [Bit.toNat]
rw [Nat.mod_pow_succ]
rw [<-Nat.div2_val]
rw [h]
. rename_i h
apply False.elim (by
have := Nat.mod_lt x (y := 2)
rw [h] at this
simp at this

-- Should `hd : 2^d < N` be a hypothesis?
lemma to_binary_equivalence : sorry := by sorry -- TODO
lemma to_binary_equivalence {a : ZMod N} {d : Nat} {out : Vector (ZMod N) d} (hd : 2^d < N) :
GatesDef.to_binary a d out ↔ vector_bit_to_zmod (nat_to_bits_le_full_n d a.val) = out := by
apply Iff.intro
. intro h
unfold GatesDef.to_binary at h
casesm* (_ ∧ _)
rename_i h hbin
rw [recover_binary_zmod_bit] at h
rw [binary_nat_zmod_equiv_mod_p] at h
rw [<-ZMod.val_nat_cast] at h
rw [ZMod.val_nat_cast_of_lt] at h
. induction d generalizing a with
| zero => simp
| succ d' _ =>
rw [<-nat_to_binary_self] at h
. simp [binary_nat_unique] at h
rw [bit_to_zmod_equiv]
rw [h]
simp [hbin]
. rw [<-Nat.add_one]
. rw [<-@binary_zmod_same_as_nat (n := N) (d := d) (rep := vector_zmod_to_bit out)]
. apply ZMod.val_lt
. simp [hd]
. simp [hbin]
. unfold GatesDef.to_binary
intro h
have hbin : is_vector_binary out := by
rw [<-h]
rw [vector_bit_to_zmod]
simp [vector_binary_of_bit_to_zmod]
rw [recover_binary_zmod_bit]
rw [binary_nat_zmod_equiv_mod_p]
rw [<-ZMod.val_nat_cast]
rw [ZMod.val_nat_cast_of_lt]
refine ⟨?_, ?_⟩
. induction d generalizing a with
| zero =>
simp [Nat.mod_one]
simp [vector_zmod_to_bit, recover_binary_nat]
| succ d' _ =>
rw [<-nat_to_binary_self]
. simp [binary_nat_unique]
apply Eq.symm
rw [<-bit_to_zmod_equiv]
. rw [h]
. simp [hbin]
. rw [<-Nat.add_one]
. simp [hbin]
. rw [<-@binary_zmod_same_as_nat (n := N) (d := d) (rep := vector_zmod_to_bit out)]
. apply ZMod.val_lt
. simp [hd]
. simp [hbin]

lemma from_binary_equivalence : sorry := by sorry -- TODO
lemma from_binary_equivalence {d} {a : Vector (ZMod N) d} {out : ZMod N} (hd : 2^d < N) :
GatesDef.from_binary a out ↔ vector_bit_to_zmod (nat_to_bits_le_full_n d out.val) = a := by
unfold GatesDef.from_binary
rw [<-GatesDef.to_binary]
apply to_binary_equivalence (hd := hd)

end GatesEquivalence

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