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Eagle941 committed Nov 15, 2023
1 parent 89c96ee commit 67ed8a5
Showing 1 changed file with 86 additions and 0 deletions.
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions ProvenZk/Ext/Vector/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -302,4 +302,90 @@ theorem map_id': (fun x => x) v = v := by
have : ∀α, (fun (x:α) => x) = id := by intro _; funext _; rfl
rw [this, Vector.map_id]

def ofFnGet (v : Vector F d) : Vector F d := Vector.ofFn fun i => v[i.val]'i.prop
instance : HAppend (Vector α d₁) (Vector α d₂) (Vector α (d₁ + d₂)) := ⟨Vector.append⟩

theorem ofFnGet_id : ofFnGet v = v := by simp [ofFnGet, GetElem.getElem]

theorem Vector.hAppend_toList {v₁ : Vector α d₁} {v₂ : Vector α d₂}:
(v₁ ++ v₂).toList = v₁.toList ++ v₂.toList := by rfl

theorem Vector.append_inj {v₁ w₁ : Vector α d₁} {v₂ w₂ : Vector α d₂}:
v₁ ++ v₂ = w₁ ++ w₂ → v₁ = w₁ ∧ v₂ = w₂ := by
intro h
induction v₁, w₁ using Vector.inductionOn₂ with
| nil =>
apply And.intro rfl
apply Vector.eq
have := congrArg toList h
simp at this
| cons ih =>
have := congrArg toList h
simp at this
rcases this with ⟨h₁, h₂⟩
rw [←hAppend_toList, ←hAppend_toList] at h₂
have := Vector.eq _ _ h₂
have := ih this
cases this
apply And.intro <;> rfl

theorem allIxes_toList : Vector.allIxes prop v ↔ ∀ i, prop (v.toList.get i) := by
unfold Vector.allIxes
apply Iff.intro
. intro h i
rcases i with ⟨i, p⟩
simp at p
simp [GetElem.getElem, Vector.get] at h
have := h ⟨i, p⟩
conv at this => arg 1; whnf
exact this
. intro h i
simp [GetElem.getElem, Vector.get]
rcases i with ⟨i, p⟩
have := h ⟨i, by simpa⟩
conv at this => arg 1; whnf
exact this

theorem allIxes_append {v₁ : Vector α n₁} {v₂ : Vector α n₂} : Vector.allIxes prop (v₁ ++ v₂) ↔ Vector.allIxes prop v₁ ∧ Vector.allIxes prop v₂ := by
simp [allIxes_toList]
apply Iff.intro
. intro h
apply And.intro
. intro i
rcases i with ⟨i, hp⟩
simp at hp
rw [←List.get_append]
exact h ⟨i, (by simp; apply Nat.lt_add_right; assumption)⟩
. intro i
rcases i with ⟨i, hp⟩
simp at hp
have := h ⟨n₁ + i, (by simpa)⟩
rw [List.get_append_right] at this
simp at this
exact this
. simp
. simpa
. intro ⟨l, r⟩
intro ⟨i, hi⟩
simp at hi
cases lt_or_ge i n₁ with
| inl hp =>
rw [List.get_append _ (by simpa)]
exact l ⟨i, (by simpa)⟩
| inr hp =>
rw [List.get_append_right]
have := r ⟨i - n₁, (by simp; apply Nat.sub_lt_left_of_lt_add; exact hp; assumption )⟩
simp at this
. simp; exact hp
. simp; apply Nat.sub_lt_left_of_lt_add; exact hp; assumption

theorem SubVector_append {v₁ : Vector α d₁} {prop₁ : Vector.allIxes prop v₁ } {v₂ : Vector α d₂} {prop₂ : Vector.allIxes prop v₂}:
( v₁ prop₁).val ++ ( v₂ prop₂).val =
( (v₁ ++ v₂) (allIxes_append.mpr ⟨prop₁, prop₂⟩)).val := by eq_refl

end Vector

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