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kustosz committed Jan 28, 2024
1 parent 0431a2d commit 0b88b09
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Showing 6 changed files with 145 additions and 491 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions ProvenZk/Binary.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,15 @@ lemma Bool.toZMod_one {N} : Bool.toZMod true = (1 : ZMod N) := by
lemma Bool.toZMod_is_bit {N} : is_bit (toZMod (N:=N) b) := by
cases b <;> simp [is_bit, toZMod, toNat]

theorem Bool.toZMod_eq_one_iff_eq_true {n:ℕ} [Fact (n > 1)] : (Bool.toZMod a : ZMod n) = 1 ↔ a = true := by
cases a <;> simp

theorem Bool.toZMod_eq_one_iff_eq_false {n:ℕ} [Fact (n > 1)] : (Bool.toZMod a : ZMod n) = 0 ↔ a = false := by
cases a <;> simp

lemma Bool.ofZMod_toZMod_eq_self {b} [Fact (N > 1)]: Bool.ofZMod (Bool.toZMod (N:=N) b) = b := by
cases b <;> simp [toZMod, ofZMod, ofNat, toNat]
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions ProvenZk/Ext/GetElem.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,15 @@ theorem getElem?_eq_some_getElem_of_valid_index [GetElem cont idx elem domain] [
. rfl
. contradiction

theorem getElem!_eq_getElem_of_valid_index [GetElem cont idx elem domain] [Decidable (domain container index)] [Inhabited elem] (h : domain container index):
container[index]! = container[index] := by
simp [getElem!, h]

theorem getElem_of_getElem! [GetElem cont idx elem domain] [Decidable (domain container index)] [Inhabited elem] (ix_ok : domain container index) (h : container[index]! = element):
container[index] = element := by
simp [getElem!, ix_ok] at h

theorem getElem?_none_of_invalid_index [GetElem cont idx elem domain] [Decidable (domain container index)] (h : ¬ domain container index):
container[index]? = none := by
unfold getElem?
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133 changes: 37 additions & 96 deletions ProvenZk/Ext/Vector/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -252,61 +252,6 @@ instance : Membership α (Vector α n) := ⟨fun x xs => x ∈ xs.toList⟩
theorem mem_def {xs : Vector α n} {x} : x ∈ xs ↔ x ∈ xs.toList := by rfl

-- def allElems (f : α → Prop) : Vector α n → Prop := fun v => ∀(a : α), a ∈ v → f a

-- @[simp]
-- theorem allElems_cons : Vector.allElems prop (v ::ᵥ vs) ↔ prop v ∧ allElems prop vs := by
-- simp [allElems]

-- @[simp]
-- theorem allElems_nil : Vector.allElems prop Vector.nil := by simp [allElems]

-- def allIxes (f : α → Prop) : Vector α n → Prop := fun v => ∀(i : Fin n), f v[i]

-- @[simp]
-- theorem allIxes_cons : allIxes f (v ::ᵥ vs) ↔ f v ∧ allIxes f vs := by
-- simp [allIxes, GetElem.getElem]
-- apply Iff.intro
-- . intro h
-- exact ⟨h 0, fun i => h i.succ⟩
-- . intro h i
-- cases i using Fin.cases
-- . simp [h.1]
-- . simp [h.2]

-- @[simp]
-- theorem allIxes_nil : allIxes f Vector.nil := by
-- simp [allIxes]

-- theorem getElem_allElems {v : { v: Vector α n // allElems prop v }} {i : Nat} { i_small : i < n}:
-- v.val[i]'i_small = ↑( (p := prop) (v.val.get ⟨i, i_small⟩) (by apply v.prop; simp)) := by rfl

-- theorem getElem_allElems₂ {v : { v: Vector (Vector α m) n // allElems (allElems prop) v }} {i j: Nat} { i_small : i < n} { j_small : j < m}:
-- (v.val[i]'i_small)[j]'j_small = ↑( (p := prop) ((v.val.get ⟨i, i_small⟩).get ⟨j, j_small⟩) (by apply v.prop; rotate_right; exact v.val.get ⟨i, i_small⟩; all_goals simp)) := by rfl

-- theorem allElems_indexed {v : {v : Vector α n // allElems prop v}} {i : Nat} {i_small : i < n}:
-- prop (v.val[i]'i_small) := by
-- apply v.prop
-- simp [getElem]

-- theorem allElems_indexed₂ {v : {v : Vector (Vector (Vector α a) b) c // allElems (allElems prop) v}}
-- {i : Nat} {i_small : i < c}
-- {j : Nat} {j_small : j < b}:
-- prop ((v.val[i]'i_small)[j]'j_small) := by
-- apply v.prop (v.val[i]'i_small) <;> simp [getElem]

-- theorem allElems_indexed₃ {v : {v : Vector (Vector (Vector α a) b) c // allElems (allElems (allElems prop)) v}}
-- {i : Nat} {i_small : i < c}
-- {j : Nat} {j_small : j < b}
-- {k : Nat} {k_small : k < a}:
-- prop (((v.val[i]'i_small)[j]'j_small)[k]'k_small) := by
-- apply v.prop
-- rotate_right
-- . exact (v.val[i]'i_small)[j]'j_small
-- rotate_right
-- . exact (v.val[i]'i_small)
-- all_goals simp [getElem]

theorem map_ofFn {f : α → β} (g : Fin n → α) : f (Vector.ofFn g) = Vector.ofFn (fun x => f (g x)) := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -367,47 +312,6 @@ theorem append_inj_iff {v₁ w₁ : Vector α d₁} {v₂ w₂ : Vector α d₂}
. intro ⟨_, _⟩
simp [*]

-- theorem allIxes_toList : Vector.allIxes prop v ↔ ∀ i, prop (v.toList.get i) := by
-- unfold Vector.allIxes
-- apply Iff.intro
-- . intro h i
-- rcases i with ⟨i, p⟩
-- simp at p
-- simp [GetElem.getElem, Vector.get] at h
-- have := h ⟨i, p⟩
-- conv at this => arg 1; whnf
-- exact this
-- . intro h i
-- simp [GetElem.getElem, Vector.get]
-- rcases i with ⟨i, p⟩
-- have := h ⟨i, by simpa⟩
-- conv at this => arg 1; whnf
-- exact this

-- theorem allElems_append {v₁ : Vector α n₁} {v₂ : Vector α n₂} : Vector.allElems prop (v₁ ++ v₂) ↔ Vector.allElems prop v₁ ∧ Vector.allElems prop v₂ := by
-- simp [allElems]
-- apply Iff.intro
-- . intro h
-- apply And.intro
-- . exact fun a hp => h a (Or.inl hp)
-- . exact fun a hp => h a (Or.inr hp)
-- . rintro ⟨_,_⟩ _ _ ; tauto

-- theorem SubVector_append {v₁ : Vector α d₁} {prop₁ : Vector.allIxes prop v₁ } {v₂ : Vector α d₂} {prop₂ : Vector.allIxes prop v₂}:
-- ( v₁ prop₁).val ++ ( v₂ prop₂).val =
-- ( (v₁ ++ v₂) (allIxes_append.mpr ⟨prop₁, prop₂⟩)).val := by eq_refl

-- theorem allIxes_iff_allElems : allIxes prop v ↔ ∀ a ∈ v, prop a := by
-- apply Iff.intro
-- . intro hp a ain
-- have := (Vector.mem_iff_get a v).mp ain
-- rcases this with ⟨i, h⟩
-- cases h
-- apply hp
-- . intro hp i
-- apply hp
-- apply Vector.get_mem

theorem getElem_map {i n : ℕ} {h : i < n} {v : Vector α n} : ( f v)[i]'h = f (v[i]'h) := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,4 +353,41 @@ theorem map_permute {p : Fin m → Fin n} {f : α → β} {v : Vector α n}: f (permute p v) = permute p ( f) := by
simp [permute]

theorem exists_succ_iff_exists_snoc {α d} {pred : Vector α (Nat.succ d) → Prop}:
(∃v, pred v) ↔ ∃vs v, pred (Vector.snoc vs v) := by
apply Iff.intro
. rintro ⟨v, hp⟩
cases v using Vector.revCasesOn
apply Exists.intro
apply Exists.intro
. rintro ⟨vs, v, hp⟩
exists vs.snoc v

theorem exists_succ_iff_exists_cons {α d} {pred : Vector α (Nat.succ d) → Prop}:
(∃v, pred v) ↔ ∃v vs, pred (v ::ᵥ vs) := by
apply Iff.intro
. rintro ⟨v, hp⟩
cases v using Vector.casesOn
apply Exists.intro
apply Exists.intro
. rintro ⟨v, vs, hp⟩
exists (v ::ᵥ vs)

theorem snoc_eq : Vector.snoc xs x = Vector.snoc ys y ↔ xs = ys ∧ x = y := by
apply Iff.intro
. intro h
have := congrArg Vector.reverse h
simp at this
injection this with this
injection this with h t
simp [*]
apply Vector.eq
have := congrArg List.reverse t
simpa [this]
. intro ⟨_, _⟩
simp [*]

end Vector
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion ProvenZk/Gates.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ open BigOperators

namespace Gates
variable {N : Nat}
-- variable [Fact (Nat.Prime N)]
def is_bool (a : ZMod N): Prop := a = 0 ∨ a = 1
def add (a b : ZMod N): ZMod N := a + b
def mul_acc (a b c : ZMod N): ZMod N := a + (b * c)
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47 changes: 39 additions & 8 deletions ProvenZk/Lemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,35 +9,66 @@ variable [Fact (Nat.Prime N)]

instance : Fact (N > 1) := ⟨Nat.Prime.one_lt Fact.out⟩

theorem ZMod.eq_of_veq {a b : ZMod N} (h : a.val = b.val) : a = b := by
have : N ≠ 0 := by apply Nat.Prime.ne_zero Fact.out
have : ∃n, N = Nat.succ n := by exists N.pred; simp [Nat.succ_pred this]
rcases this with ⟨_, ⟨_⟩⟩
simp [val] at h
exact Fin.eq_of_veq h

theorem ZMod.val_fin {n : ℕ} {i : ZMod (Nat.succ n)} : i.val = Fin.val i := by
simp [ZMod.val]

theorem exists_eq_left₂ {pred : α → β → Prop}:
(∃a b, (a = c ∧ b = d) ∧ pred a b) ↔ pred c d := by
simp [and_assoc]

theorem is_bool_is_bit (a : ZMod n) [Fact (Nat.Prime n)]: Gates.is_bool a = is_bit a := by rfl

theorem select_zero {a b r : ZMod N}: 0 a b r = (r = b) := by
theorem Gates.eq_def : Gates.eq a b ↔ a = b := by simp [Gates.eq]

theorem Gates.sub_def {N} {a b : ZMod N} : Gates.sub a b = a - b := by simp [Gates.sub]

theorem Gates.is_zero_def {N} {a out : ZMod N} : Gates.is_zero a out ↔ out = Bool.toZMod (a = 0) := by
simp [Gates.is_zero]
apply Iff.intro
. rintro (_ | _) <;> simp [*]
. rintro ⟨_⟩
simp [Bool.toZMod, Bool.toNat]

theorem Gates.select_zero {a b r : ZMod N}: 0 a b r = (r = b) := by
simp []

theorem select_one {a b r : ZMod N}: 1 a b r = (r = a) := by
theorem Gates.select_one {a b r : ZMod N}: 1 a b r = (r = a) := by
simp []

theorem or_zero { a r : ZMod N}: Gates.or a 0 r = (is_bit a ∧ r = a) := by
theorem Gates.or_zero { a r : ZMod N}: Gates.or a 0 r = (is_bit a ∧ r = a) := by
simp [Gates.or]

theorem zero_or { a r : ZMod N}: Gates.or 0 a r = (is_bit a ∧ r = a) := by
theorem Gates.zero_or { a r : ZMod N}: Gates.or 0 a r = (is_bit a ∧ r = a) := by
simp [Gates.or]

theorem one_or { a r : ZMod N}: Gates.or 1 a r = (is_bit a ∧ r = 1) := by
theorem Gates.one_or { a r : ZMod N}: Gates.or 1 a r = (is_bit a ∧ r = 1) := by
simp [Gates.or]

theorem or_one { a r : ZMod N}: Gates.or a 1 r = (is_bit a ∧ r = 1) := by
theorem Gates.or_one { a r : ZMod N}: Gates.or a 1 r = (is_bit a ∧ r = 1) := by
simp [Gates.or]

theorem is_bit_one_sub {a : ZMod N}: is_bit (Gates.sub 1 a) ↔ is_bit a := by
theorem Gates.is_bit_one_sub {a : ZMod N}: is_bit (Gates.sub 1 a) ↔ is_bit a := by
simp [Gates.sub, is_bit, sub_eq_zero]

Expand All @@ -64,7 +95,7 @@ theorem Gates.or_bool {N} [Fact (N>1)] {a b : Bool} {c : ZMod N} : Gates.or

theorem Gates.not_bool {N} [Fact (N>1)] {a : Bool} : Gates.sub (1 : ZMod N) a.toZMod = (!a).toZMod := by
theorem Gates.not_bool {N} [Fact (N>1)] {a : Bool} : (1 : ZMod N) - a.toZMod = (!a).toZMod := by
cases a <;> simp [sub]

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