An SBT plugin for displaying a welcome message and commonly used tasks.
Upon loading SBT, a welcome message is displayed with common tasks for that project. This is particularly useful for first-time contributors who are not yet familiar with a project and its build setup. Rather than leave them wondering "How do I run the benchmarks?", "How do I build the microsite/docs?", etc. you can display these commands on startup. Here's an example of what it can look like:
The bullet points are aliases (which are configurable), meaning you can type d
and it'll run the 4th line item. The
aliases are optional, but can be useful for particularly long commands.
Add the following to project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.github.reibitto" % "sbt-welcome" % "0.5.0")
You can type welcome
to re-print the welcome message (rather than reloading the project).
An example configuration:
import sbtwelcome._
logo :=
| ______ _____ ______
|__________ /___ /_ ___ _________ /__________________ ________
|__ ___/_ __ \\ __/ __ | /| / / _ \\_ /_ ___/ __ \\_ __ `__ \\ _ \\
|_(__ )_ /_/ / /_ __ |/ |/ // __/ / / /__ / /_/ / / / / / / __/
|/____/ /_.___/\\__/ ____/|__/ \\___//_/ \\___/ \\____//_/ /_/ /_/\\___/
|${scala.Console.YELLOW}Scala ${scalaVersion.value}${scala.Console.RESET}
usefulTasks := Seq(
UsefulTask("~compile", "Compile with file-watch enabled"),
UsefulTask("fmt", "Run scalafmt on the entire project"),
UsefulTask("publishLocal", "Publish the sbt plugin locally so that you can consume it from a different project"),
UsefulTask("cli-client/graalvm-native-image:packageBin", "Create a native executable of the CLI client"),
UsefulTask("benchmarks/jmh:run", "Run the benchmarks")
logoColor := scala.Console.MAGENTA
By default, each task gets auto-assigned an alias (a
through z
). This can be customized (details below).
You can embed any other information in the logo, such as the project version with normal Scala string interpolation like:
logo := s"Some Logo ${version.value}\nScala ${scalaVersion.value}"
You can also change the default colors like so:
logoColor := scala.Console.RED
aliasColor := scala.Console.CYAN
commandColor := scala.Console.YELLOW
descriptionColor := scala.Console.GREEN
UsefulTask("all root/scalafmtSbt root/scalafmtAll", "formats all Scala files in project").alias("fmt")
In CI you may want to suppress the welcome message you prefer slightly less noise. To do so, use the welcomeEnabled
sbt setting like so:
welcomeEnabled := false
You'll probably want to use an environment variable to set this dynamically so that CI and local development have different values.
UsefulTask("task1", "description1").noAlias
You can define your own prefix or suffix with aliasPrefix
and aliasSuffix
. Or if you want full customization,
there's also formatAlias
which accepts an arbitrary function.
UsefulTask("task1", "description1").noAlias.aliasPrefix("* ")
UsefulTask("task2", "description2").noAlias.aliasSuffix(" > ")
def customFormatFn: String => String =
a => if (a.isEmpty) "( ) " else s"($a) "
UsefulTask("task3", "description3").formatAlias(customFormatFn),
If you want something other than the default auto-aliases (a
, b
, c
, etc.), you can use customize it like so:
autoAliasGen := LazyList.from(1).map(n => s"t$n")
This would generate: t1
, t2
, t3
, etc.
If you want to generate a fancy logo for the logo
field, you can use one of the following tools: