Things that we would ideally like all of our projects to be compliant to.
Following guidelines are quite simple because they are a layer above Create React App project which standardizes a lot of the stuff.
- bug [Something isn't working] [#d73a4a]
- discuss [To discuss] [#e8f9a9]
- dx [For improved developer experience] [#fcd283]
- enhancement [New feature or request] [#a2eeef]
- next [To be released next] [#9718c9]
- ready for release [Issues that are ready to be merged/released] [#ffd5c9]
- good first issue [Good for newcomers] [#7057ff]
Getting Started
- Specify if the project uses yarn or npm
- Clone (How to)
- Install (How to)
- Specify any environment variables (.env) that need to be set up locally
- Run (How to)
Project Structure Overview
Specify deployment URLs if any
Weekly Schedule (Just copy this and modify if required)
- The project follows a weekly release schedule to be done every Saturday
- Code review can either be done in person or through a PR
- A daily short chat with the team on progress/hurdles at 03:00 PM (Please keep it to a maximum of 10 min)
- A weekly planning meeting of 15 min every Monday at 03:00 PM
Link to documentation (Either in itself or external)
- For long-term vision of the project. (Specify weekly milestones and deadline)
- .prettierrc
"singleQuote": true,
"trailingComma": "es5",
"printWidth": 80,
"semi": false
- .eslintrc
"extends": "react-app",
"plugins": ["prettier"],
"rules": {
"prettier/prettier": "error"
- A site with a clear and concise landing page
- A blog with regular updates about product updates
- Technical documentation for internal or open-source usage
- Feature request form
- Bug report form
- Payment integration / Subscriptions / Offers / Discounts
- Social media promotion pages (twitter / instagram / product hunt)
- Promotion posts (hashnode / / hackernews)
- Design promotion (dribbble, codepen)
- Code snippet promotion (codepen)