Release v3.1.5
π Features
- 98fffd6 Added
option for specific log levels
π Fixes
- 7e8d855 Step progress bar to end before closing
π Build
- 1edfc3b Fixed and/or disabled RedisJSON tests
- b97924b Disabled 2 failing tests
- d39cd4c Moved replicateDsLive to stack tests
- 23a2c2a Bump for next dev cycle
- a110e70 Added replicate-ds test
π Documentation
- 46976ea Added progress doc and move generate-completion section
βοΈ Dependencies
- e831410 Releasing version 3.1.5
We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
- Julien Ruaux
π Universal
These binaries require an external Java runtime.
- (requires Java 11+)
- riot-3.1.5.tar (requires Java 11+)
βοΈ Bundled Java Runtimes
These binaries provide their own Java runtime.