When operating a validator it's important to protect certain keypairs. Validator identity keypairs are considered none secure as potentially datacenter admins and cloud service providers may have access to view these files. Therefore when creating authority accounts, this should be made from a secure device, seperate to that of the validator instance.
Read more about authorized accounts on Solana's offical Documentation.
The following command should be done on a secure laptop. Your solana config keypair will be the secure authrority account and requires small amount of SOL to create the clockwork account.
will be your validator identity and clockwork signer...requires small amount of SOL to process transactions.
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/redazul/clockwork_init/main/create_account.sh)
source export_path.sh;
solana-keygen new -o ~/signatory.json;
clockwork worker create ~/signatory.json;
solana transfer ~/signatory.json 0.5 --allow-unfunded-recipient
The following command should be done on the Validator instance. (Not the secure laptop)
It's design to run on an empty server / fresh install.
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/redazul/clockwork_init/main/clockwork_init.sh);
source export_path.sh
solana-keygen recover
sudo systemctl enable --now sol
sudo systemctl status --now sol
The following command will route /var/log/solana/solana_validator.log
+ server metrics to a grafana dashboard
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/redazul/clockwork_init/main/clockwork_log.sh);
The following command should be done on the Validator instance. (Not the secure laptop)
sudo systemctl stop sol
sh -c "$(curl -sSfL https://release.solana.com/v1.14.3/install)"
cp clockwork/lib/geyser-plugin-config.json ~/
cd clockwork ; git pull; git checkout v1.4.3
cd clockwork ; git pull; git checkout v1.4.3
./scripts/build-all.sh .
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
cp ~/geyser-plugin-config.json ~/clockwork/lib/
sudo systemctl start sol
tail -f /var/log/solana/solana_validator.log