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Simplified GIT Workflow

Siddharth Parmar edited this page Mar 8, 2019 · 1 revision

Simplified GIT Workflow

Starting a New Feature

  1. git checkout develop
  2. git pull --rebase origin develop
  3. git checkout -b [your initials]-feature-my-new-feature
  4. Make commits...

Finishing a New Feature

  1. git checkout develop
  2. git pull --rebase origin develop
  3. git checkout feature-my-new-feature
  4. git rebase develop
    • Solve any conflicts, then git rebase --continue until done.
  5. git log --oneline
    • Copy the commit hash previous to your first commit on the feature.
  6. Squash your commits: git rebase -i [paste commit hash]
    • You'll see a list of your commits next to the word pick
    • Change all pick to s except the topmost pick
    • Save and exit the VIM editor.
  7. Create a commit message for your squashed commits
    • Remove all lines not beginning with #.
    • Add a commit message at the top of the file (no # in front).
    • Save and exit the VIM editor.
  8. git push origin feature-my-new-feature

Creating a Pull-Request

  1. Locate your feature branch in the Branches tab in your GitHub repo.
  2. Click Create Pull Request and leave a short description of the feature you finished.

Responding to a Change Request

To update your pull request with changes, simply continue making commits in your feature branch.

Do not squash these new commits (Or, you'll end up with conflicts). Instead, just push them to GitHub as normal.

  • When your branch has been merged, remove your local feature branch git branch -d local-feature-branch

Solving Pull-Request Conflicts

  1. git checkout develop
  2. git pull --rebase origin develop

If there are conflicts with develop use the following command

  • git checkout . && git reset --hard origin/develop If not continue to the next step
  1. git checkout feature-my-new-feature
  2. git rebase develop
    • Solve any conflicts and git add -A, then git rebase --continue until done.
  3. git push origin feature-my-new-feature (If you're unable to push, try git push -f origin feature-my-new-feature to force)

Happy Coding! ✌️