Generates image to be rendered on a 32x16 RGB LED Grid
docker compose build
docker compose up
docker stop app
docker rm $(docker ps --filter "status=exited" --filter "ancestor=dynamic-display-app" -q)
Start the server by running the following and visit http://localhost:5002
docker stop test
docker rm $(docker ps --filter status=exited -q)
docker build . -t example
docker run --name test -p 5001:5000 \
-v /Users/bd/Development/dynamic-display/hostdb:/app/database \
-v /Users/bd/Development/dynamic-display/hostenv:/app/env \
# Auto format
docker exec -i app black .
# Run tests
docker exec -i app python -m pytest tests
- Register a domain name
- Get a linux droplet or any server you can ssh into
- Install docker on the server
- Use free version of cloudflare for DDOS protection; update your nameservers in your domain name provider to be cloudflare (may have to set up a page rule for ppm to bypass cache)
- Install nginx on the server, config using nginx.config and activate your virtualhost
- Use Build and push Docker images Github Action and appleboy/ssh-action for automatic deploys
- Make sure actions are allowed in github settings
- Setup secrets in your github repo for
- For your first deploy, ssh into your server and run your container manually, for example
# build the app
# Option 1: if you image was not yet pushed to docker hub and you have repo locally
docker build -t dynamic-display:home .
# Option 2: if the image was pushed to github
sudo docker pull bdettmer/dynamic-display:home
# Make sure to add the db and env vars
mkdir -p /root/dynamicdisplay/hostenv
touch /root/dynamicdisplay/hostenv/dotenv # fill this out with vars
mkdir -p /root/dynamicdisplay/hostdb
touch /root/dynamicdisplay/hostdb/db # maybe scp from somewhere, or create
- Upon subsequent pushes to main branch, the latest image will be pulled from dockerhub and a new container run
# Get the 3 values from,-73.985
"properties": {
"@id": ",-73.985",
"@type": "wx:Point",
"cwa": "OKX",
"forecastOffice": "",
"gridId": "OKX",
"gridX": 34,
"gridY": 34,
# Enter it into this URL,34/forecast
Make sure to create an empty database directory on the host for docker to mount to so changes are persisted
mkdir /home/database
You can copy the db via scp
there or create it
docker run -d --restart on-failure --name=app -p 5000:5000 \
-v /root/dynamicdisplay/hostdb:/app/database \
-v /root/dynamicdisplay/hostenv:/app/env \
- Install nginx on the server, config using nginx.config and activate your virtualhost
- Set the root in nginx so only files within a specific path can be accessed from the client
- create a directory for static files
mkdir /home/dynamic-display_static
server {
location / {
ls /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
dynamic-display site2
### Setup [cron]( to update the display
touch /root/log
crontab -e
*/5 * * * * docker exec -i app python >> /root/log
One option is to use free version of cloudflare for DDOS protection; update your nameservers in your domain name provider to be cloudflare
Enable free SSL by selecting "SSL Flexible" and always use HTTPS via edge certificates
- get an ssl certificate
- ssl
- ssl
- certbot
# Update the banner display
docker exec -i app python
# Auto format
docker exec -i app black .
# Run tests
docker exec -i app python -m pytest tests
# Run migrations
docker exec -it app alembic upgrade head
# Bash into container
docker exec -it app /bin/bash
# Examine db
sqlite3 db
# After editing and nginx file
sudo service nginx restart
DOCKERHUB_USERNAME (used to login to dockerhub) ex. bdettmer
DOCKERHUB_TAG - (trading off version history to have multiple images in one for free tier) ex. home
DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME - (find this by running `docker-compose ps` when container is up) ex. app
DOCKERHUB_REPOSITORY - (without username) ex. dynamic-display
SERVER_HOST - (IP address of server) ex.
SERVER_USERNAME - (user to login to host via ssh) ex. root
SERVER_KEY - (private ssh key generated on server)
SERVER_PORT - (port used to ssh) ex. 22
If you don't have Pycharm Professional, one way to make unresolved references go away is
python3 -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you encounter:
ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain
It could be any number of things. Make sure you add the public key from your dev machine onto the server you are deploying to, and then pass your private key from your dev machine into Github secrets for your repo
If you see this in your logs, it means there are hackers at the door
[2021-12-07 17:05:08,589] ERROR in app: Exception on /wp-login.php/ [GET]
jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: system_api.php.html
[2021-12-06 20:17:28,301] ERROR in app: Exception on /feed/ [GET]
jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: wso1.php.html
[2021-12-05 02:22:10,396] ERROR in app: Exception on /if.php/ [GET]
Read the nginx docs and be careful what you set as your root directory, so you don't unintentionally share private files.
Debugging w/ strace
# you can find the process running your code
ps -aux | grep python
strace -p 1778
# and step through that process
gdb -p 1778
ls /proc/1778
lsof -p 1772