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Relax-and-Recover (ReaR) User Guide Documentation (RUGD)


These are the source files for

Build, edit and preview

Before considering contributions to RUGD, ensure you agree with the license and contribution guidelines established by us.

Fork this repository and clone it.

git clone< your username or organization >/rear-user-guide
cd rear-user-guide

RUGD uses MkDocs 1.0.4. Ensure you have Python (with pip) preinstalled, then install mkdocs along wit the required plugins.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Startup a local instance of MkDocs while working on your local copy.

mkdocs serve

MkDocs is now listening on

All the documentation lives in docs. Your edits should immediately reload the web browser. Adding navigation is done by adding leaves in mkdocs.yml. Adding a new top leaf require organizing the markdown files in subfolder under docs. Images and other binary assets should live in docs/img and follow the leaf, i.e an image that belongs to docs/legal/license/ should be placed in docs/legal/license/img to be easily referenced from the markdown file with relative links, img/asset.png.

Once edits are done, commit and push your branch (don't forget the sign-off, see contributing) and submit a pull request (PR).

Build your own docker instance

Have a look at the Dockerfile on how to build your own docker instance.

Style guides

The goal is to try keep content as cohesive as possible. Some old sources may require some refactoring to fit into the MkDocs styles we adopt.

Markdown Syntax

Please use the Basic Markdown Syntax for the documents.

Embedding objects

Using external sources such as YouTube and Asciinema is encouraged. Here are a few hints on how to get the best results.


Figure out the video ID of the video you want to embed, it's the v variable in the URL of the YouTube video. Let's assume the source has a 16:9 aspect ratio. Pay attention to the width and height, replace the <VIDEO ID> string with the video you would like to embed.

<iframe width="696" height="392" src="<VIDEO ID>" frameborder="2" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Note: Make sure the video is "embeddable" (hit play in your local rendering).


Set the column width of your terminal to 96 columns. Copy & paste the embed code straight from (click "Share" on the recording and copy "Embed the player"). It should look like this:

<script id="asciicast-236786" src="" async></script>


Adding Spinx-style exclamations into the docs is encouraged to emphasize a point in a paragraph. Triple bangs will be translated to an admonition block.

!!! note
    This is my note!

It's also possible to create your own header.

!!! note "Did you know?"
    Admonitions are cool!

There are four different types of blocks that are mapped by the following keywords:

  • Blue: note, seealso
  • Green: tip, hint, important
  • Orange: warning, caution
  • Purple: danger, error

Fenced code blocks

All code blocks needs to be labelled by language or style. MkDocs is not very clever to fall back to plain text, if the code block doesn't render properly, use text for red text and markdown for black text.

Start fenced code blocks like this:

  "key": "value"
# /usr/bin/rear dump

Fenced code tabs

It's common that different incarnations of a certain command or manifest is unique to a situation where a single variable may differ. This is tedious to point out with a code block in an efficient manner as users most likely want to copy and paste the code block into a terminal. Using the markdown-fenced-code-tabs plugin, it's possible to "stack" code blocks on top of each other and they will appear as tabs when rendered in MkDocs.


```json fct_label="Kubernetes 1.18"
  "version": "1.18"
  "dosomestuff": {
    "key": "val"
```json fct_label="Kubernetes 1.17
  "version": "1.17",
  "dostuff": {
    "key": "val"

Get in touch

Feel free to reach out to us by filing an issue if you have any questions.

We appreciate your support and contributions!