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rdboyes committed Apr 11, 2024
0 parents commit bb981f1
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Showing 4 changed files with 246 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
216 changes: 216 additions & 0 deletions app.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@

ui <- fluidPage(

# Application title
titlePanel("Bacteria/Virus Plate Dynamics"),

# Sidebar with slider inputs
"Number of Virus Particles per Colony:",
min = 1,
max = 100,
value = 20),
"Show all virus results"),
"Number of Colony-Forming Units:",
min = 1,
max = 100,
value = 20),
"Show all colony-forming unit results"),
"Diameter of Plate (cm)",
min = 5,
max = 30,
value = 10),
"Colony Diameter (mm)",
min = 1,
max = 20,
step = 0.5,
value = 5)

# Show a plot of the generated distribution of the plate plots
plotOutput("distPlot", height = "600px")

server <- function(input, output) {

pi <- 3.14159

draw_plate <- function(num_bacteria, num_virus, size_plate, virus_within, title) {
radius_plate <- size_plate / 2
radius_colony <- (virus_within / 10) / 2 # Convert virus_within from mm to cm, then get radius
effective_radius <- radius_plate - radius_colony # Adjusted radius for colony center generation

# Create data frames for bacteria colonies and virus particles
bacteria_df <- data.frame(r = effective_radius * sqrt(runif(num_bacteria)),
theta = runif(num_bacteria) * 2 * pi) |>
transmute(x = r * cos(theta), y = r * sin(theta))

virus_df <- data.frame(r = radius_plate * sqrt(runif(num_virus)),
theta = runif(num_virus) * 2 * pi) |>
transmute(x = r * cos(theta), y = r * sin(theta))

# Initialize a column to track overlap
bacteria_df$overlap <- FALSE

# Check for overlap
for (i in 1:nrow(bacteria_df)) {
for (j in 1:nrow(virus_df)) {
distance <- sqrt((bacteria_df$x[i] - virus_df$x[j])^2 + (bacteria_df$y[i] - virus_df$y[j])^2)
if (distance < radius_colony) {
bacteria_df$overlap[i] <- TRUE
break # Stop checking once an overlap is found

count_overlap = sum(bacteria_df$overlap)

# Calculate the size for the colonies based on the specified diameter
colony_size <- virus_within * 1 # Adjust this factor as needed for visual representation

# Create the plot
p <- ggplot() +
geom_circle(aes(x0 = x, y0 = y, r = radius_colony, fill = overlap), data = bacteria_df, alpha = 0.5) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("FALSE" = "blue", "TRUE" = "red")) +
geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y), data = virus_df, color = "red", size = 1) +
geom_circle(aes(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, r = radius_plate)) +
coord_fixed(ratio = 1) +
labs(color = "Colony-Virus Overlap")+
xlim(-radius_plate, radius_plate) +
ylim(-radius_plate, radius_plate) +
theme_void() +
labs(title = paste0(title, ": ", count_overlap, " infected."))


n_bac <- reactive(input$num_bacteria)
n_virus_per_colony <- reactive(input$num_virus_per_colony)
n_virus <- reactive(input$num_virus_per_colony * input$num_bacteria)
a_plate <- reactive(pi * (0.5 * 10 * input$size_plate)^2)
a_virus <- reactive(pi * (0.5 * input$virus_within)^2)
prob_one_miss <- reactive((a_plate() - a_virus())/a_plate())

# for a single pair of virus, bact

prob_x_miss <- reactive(prob_one_miss()^n_virus())
prob_x_hit <- reactive(1 - prob_x_miss())
expected_hits <- reactive(n_bac() * prob_x_hit())

prob_table <- reactive(tibble(within = 0:n_bac(),
prob = density(dist_binomial(n_bac(), prob_x_hit()), 0:n_bac())[[1]]))

# for a specific number of colonies + any number of virus

prob_x_hit_free_v <- reactive({
data.frame(n_virus = n_bac() * seq(10, 100, 10)) |>
mutate(prob_miss = prob_one_miss()^n_virus) |>
mutate(prob_hit = 1 - prob_miss,
expected = n_bac() * prob_hit,
dens = density(dist_binomial(n_bac(), prob_hit), 0:n_bac())) |>
tidyr::unnest_longer(col = dens, indices_include = TRUE)

# for a specific number of virus particles + any number of colonies

prob_x_hit_free_b <- reactive({
data.frame(n_bact = seq(10, 100, 10)) |>
mutate(prob_miss = prob_one_miss()^n_virus()) |>
mutate(prob_hit = 1 - prob_miss,
expected = n_bact * prob_hit,
dens = density(dist_binomial(n_bact, prob_hit), 0:100)) |>
tidyr::unnest_longer(col = dens, indices_include = TRUE)

# for any/any

prob_x_hit_free_both <- reactive({
crossing(n_bact = seq(10, 100, 10), n_virus = n_bac() * seq(10, 100, 10)) |>
mutate(prob_miss = prob_one_miss()^n_virus) |>
mutate(prob_hit = 1 - prob_miss,
expected = n_bact * prob_hit)

print_as_percent <- function(number, total, digits = 0){
return(sprintf(paste0("%1.", digits, "f%%"), 100*as.numeric(number)/as.numeric(total)))

# make the plot

plot <- reactive({
if(input$any_virus & !input$any_bacteria) {
ggplot(data = prob_x_hit_free_v()) +
geom_ridgeline(aes(y = as.factor(n_virus), x = dens_id - 1, height = dens),
scale = 5, fill = "#346eeb", alpha = 0.75) +
geom_text(aes(y = as.factor(n_virus), x = expected, label = round(expected, 1)), colour = "white", vjust = -.5) +
theme_minimal() +
xlim(0, 100) +
labs(y = "Number of Viral Particles", x = "Number of Colonies in Range of at Least One Viral Particle")
}else if (!input$any_virus & input$any_bacteria) {
ggplot(data = prob_x_hit_free_b()) +
geom_ridgeline(aes(y = as.factor(n_bact), x = dens_id - 1, height = dens),
scale = 5, fill = "#346eeb", alpha = 0.75) +
geom_text(aes(y = as.factor(n_bact), x = expected, label = round(expected, 1)), colour = "white", vjust = -.5) +
theme_minimal() +
xlim(0, 100) +
labs(x = "Number of Colonies in Range of at Least One Viral Particle", y = "Number of Colonies")
}else if (input$any_virus & input$any_bacteria) {
ggplot(data = prob_x_hit_free_both()) +
geom_tile(aes(x = n_virus, y = n_bact, fill = expected), alpha = 0.8) +
geom_text(aes(x = n_virus, y = n_bact, label = round(expected, 1))) +
theme_minimal() +
scale_fill_viridis() +
labs(x = "Viral Particles", y = "Number of Colonies")
plate_plots <- map(c("Example 1", "Example 2", "Example 3"),
.f = \(x){draw_plate(input$num_bacteria,
input$num_virus_per_colony * input$num_bacteria,
input$virus_within, x)})

prob_plot <- ggplot(data = prob_table()) +
geom_col(aes(x = as.factor(within), y = prob), fill = "#346eeb", colour = "white", alpha = .75) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 1 + expected_hits()) +
geom_text(label = expected_hits() |> round(2),
x = 1 + expected_hits(),
y = max(pull(prob_table(), prob))) +
theme_minimal() +
scale_x_discrete(labels = \(x){paste0(x, "\n(", print_as_percent(x, input$num_bacteria), ")")}) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
labs(x = "Number (Percentage) of Colonies in Range of a Viral Particle", y = "Probability of Outcome")

prob_plot/(plate_plots[[1]] + plate_plots[[2]] + plate_plots[[3]])

output$distPlot <- renderPlot({

# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions rsconnect/
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name: viral
title: viral
account: randyboyes
appId: 7719452
bundleId: 8054101
when: 1702664486.88176
lastSyncTime: 1702664486.88177
asMultiple: FALSE
asStatic: FALSE
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions viral.Rproj
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Version: 1.0

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SaveWorkspace: Default
AlwaysSaveHistory: Default

EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
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Encoding: UTF-8

RnwWeave: Sweave
LaTeX: pdfLaTeX

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