A clean framework powered by LESS based on Semantic.gs, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. This is a project to community WDSIGN and are created to help us when wee ned create a fast and clean sites.
Our idea it's based in our LESSCSS organization:
- Grid Semantic.gs help us add new way to create more responsive grids and you have 6 commons grid type: Wide Column, Two Columns, Three Columns, Four Columns , Five Columns and Six Columns (you need more???).
- Box In 90% our jobs is concentrated in boxes we start a boxes stypes to help you.
- Tables Yeahh some clients and specify solutions need a simple or more complex tables.
- Forms Ohh ... forms our frankstein solution it's and idea to help you.
- Typography Fonts, Web Fonts, Header, and many ideas.
Feel like you've got an idea on how to optimize the code and want to share it? We are totally open to new changes, however this is one of the first publically available plugins that I am offering and therefore do not have an exact process on pull requests. Feel free to fork the project all you want, but be aware any pull requests that are made may take a while to get implemented (if at all).
- Buttons We need buttons, link styles and so much.
- Icons FontAwesome
- Tags Target your text with ours tags
- Images in development
- Lists in development
- Navigation in development
- Normalize Our normalize it's modificated to our idea.
- Start LessCss help us with variables and here we add our predefinitions used.
- Commons LessCss add options to functions and mixins and this mixins are created to help us with DRY using &:extend() function to give more power to your projects.
- Custom Add here your specification css add here.
Clone the repo, git clone [email protected]:wdsign/firstclass.git
First of all, install Node. We use Grunt to build firstClass. If you haven't used Grunt before, you need to install the grunt-cli
package as a global install.
npm install -g grunt-cli
If you haven't done so already, clone the firstClass git repo.
git clone [email protected]:wdsign/firstclass.git
Install the Node dependencies.
cd firstClass
npm install
Run grunt
build and minify the release.
The built version of firstClass will be put in the /assets
Enter the following, so Grunt will watch your working directory and compile LESS files automatically everytime you hit save.
grunt watch
- v2.0.0 Re-structure all less files, remove jquery collapse, add jquery custombox and some media queries, reorganized gruntfile
- v1.0.1 Icons with font Awesome ajusted to use 'pre' and 'pos' like '::before' and '::after'
- v1.0.0 Start project.