- RequireJS 2.0.2 included in /libs
- RequireJS Text plug-in 2.0.0 included in /libs
- jQuery 1.7.2 hot-linked from Google APIs
- Backbone 0.9.2 hot-linked from CDNJS
- Underscore 1.3.3 hot-linked from CDNJS
- Twitter Bootstrap 2.0.4 included in /css, /img, /js
Just download/fork/clone and launch index.html in a browser with HTTP server.
I found Backbone Boilerplate too complicated and too big for the boilerplate.
Another good sample app Sample App with Backbone.js and Twitter Bootstrap
More tutorials https://github.com/documentcloud/backbone/wiki/Tutorials%2C-blog-posts-and-example-sites
- Add models and collections
- Add extra page with examples