is a frontend template that includes libraries MDBootstrap, Animate.css, and Petite-Vue.
The use of CSS utility classes and the reactivity model provided by Petite-Vue helps build projects very fast!
Demo website: Lomography LomoInstant Automat | flyingV
- Vue template syntax and reactivity model
- Ready-to-use CSS Utility classes and animations
- Dynamic import of JavaScript ES6 modules
- Noto Sans - the modern font suitable for most websites
- MDBootstrap (v4.0.0) - material design for Bootstrap v5, helps build responsive mobile-first sites quickly
- Font Awesome (v6.1.1) - the icon library and toolkit used by millions of designers and developers
- Animate.css (v4.1.1) - ready-to-use animation library, great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and attention-guiding hints
- Petite-Vue (v0.4.1) - progressive JavaScript library driven by
for building web user interfaces
- Create a new repo from this template on GitHub
- Download this template to local
- Create a new project from the command line (npm v5.2):
cd desktop; npx degit rayc2045/create-petite-app new-petite-app
- Use Live Server to preview the project
- Use Live Sass Compiler to compile Sass/Scss to CSS
- Use MinifyAll to compress JavaScript code
- Deploy production web applications on Netlify