#Getting started
Advise using RVM to manage Ruby
Ensure the following are installed;
- Node - use npm to manage: https://www.npmjs.com
- Sass - http://sass-lang.com
- Grunt - http://gruntjs.com
- Susy 2 - http://susydocs.oddbird.net
- Bower - http://bower.io
Install all project specific dependancies by running;
$npm install
$bower install
All being well you should see the terminal ...waiting on the watch command
- Shell - run terminal commands from grunt task. Remote update included.
- Concat - combine all js files on the fly
- Uglify - minify your concatinated js file on the fly
- Imagemin - minify all your projects JPG/PNG/GIF files on the fly
- SVGmin - minify all your projects SVG files on the fly
- Sass - generate your minified css files from scss files on the fly
Change paths for input / output files in the gruntfile.js then re-run grunt
###Susy grids
Default grid of 24 columns with 0.5 gutter (layouts/_framework.scss)
Secondary guuterless grid available: $gutterless__grid
###Grunt Markdown
Used to create the base html files for projects including styleguide
Uses grunt markdown to generate the necessary files
Palette colours and variable arrays are editble in _variables.scss
Generate your favicons here: http://realfavicongenerator.net
###JS Libraries
#jQuery 1.9.1
Included in md pages from Google APIs, fallback to local copy.
####Production JS
- onmediaquery - used to add after content tag to body
- retina.js - if there's an @2x version , use it
- Modernizer - target browsers using html tag css classes based on support offered