- Hindi to English transliteration by training a LSTM Encoder and 2-layered Decoder with AttentionMechanism over Google Dakshina dataset and tuned the hyper parameters using parallel plots on Wandb.
- Cell Types used for Encoder and Decoder: RNN, LSTM, GRU.
- First open the jupiter notebook named
. - Then execute the Imports section.
- Then Load the data by executing the Loading Dataset section ( We uploaded dataset on GDrive to access it in Google Colabs).
- There are sections for each question and sub-sections for sub-parts, So execute the section for the question to get the output for that question.
- To run the wandb sweeps first execute the wandb integration section and the question section.
- To run the wandb sweeps first execute the wandb integration section and the question section.
- For Question 5 part we are using a font file 'Lohit-Devanagari.ttf' by uploading it to GDrive.