Angular Star Rating is a Angular 2+ component made with ❤.
It is based on best practice UX/UI methods, accessibility in mind and an eye for details.
In love with reactive forms the component is easy to control over the keybord.
It is a perfect fit for all angular projects with ⭐'s.
To keep it as flexible as possible a major part of the logic is based on css only techniques. The component simple applies the state depending css modifiers.
IE | Firefox | Chrome | Safari | Opera |
>11 | >50 | >55 | >10 | >41 |
Fully featured this component is provided with:
- easy configurable and reasonable defaults
- all 12 css modifiers of the awesome css only star rating library
- it integrates well with reactive forms and all it's states
- focus and blur events are handled for a smooth keyboard navigation
- it's keyboard control is even better than a native input once :-)
- mouse enter and leave events are used to generate a nice on hover interaction
- importable as a angular ngModule it is a plug and play to use
Css | Angular 1 | Angular | Ionic 1 |
Css Star Rating | Angular1 Star Rating | Angular Star Rating | Ionic1 Star Rating |
Get Angular Star Rating:
- clone & build this repository
- download as .zip
- via npm: by running
$ npm install angular-star-rating --save
from your console
As a precondition we consider you have your .angular-cli.json
setup with an assets folder so that the ./src/assets
folder is included in the bundled version.
But this is given by default if you use the angular-cli to setup your project.
Now you can import your library in your angular application by running:
$ npm install angular-star-rating --save
$ npm install [email protected] --save
for a specific version.
Create an assets
folder under your ./src
folder and copy the images from your ./node_modules/assets/images
folder into ./src/assets/images
In your app.module.ts
import the StarRatingModule
to your Angular AppModule
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { StarRatingModule } from 'angular-star-rating';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Once your library is imported, you can use the components in your Angular application:
<!-- You can now use your library component in app.component.html -->
<star-rating-comp [startype]="'svg'" [rating]="2.63"></star-rating-comp>
If something is not working check if
- the component renders the expected html
- if you use the svg version check if the
is present in your./src/assets/images
and loaded
import {Component} from "@angular/core";
import {IStarRatingOnClickEvent, IStarRatingOnRatingChangeEven, IStarRatingIOnHoverRatingChangeEvent} from "angular-star-rating/src/star-rating-struct";
selector: 'my-events-component',
template: `
<star-rating-comp [starType]="'svg'"
<p>onHoverRatingChangeResult: {{onHoverRatingChangeResult | json}}</p>
<p>onClickResult: {{onClickResult | json}}</p>
<p>onRatingChangeResult: {{onRatingChangeResult | json}}</p>
export class MyEventsComponent {
onClick = ($event:IStarRatingOnClickEvent) => {
console.log('onClick $event: ', $event);
this.onClickResult = $event;
onRatingChange = ($event:IStarRatingOnRatingChangeEven) => {
console.log('onRatingUpdated $event: ', $event);
this.onRatingChangeResult = $event;
onHoverRatingChange = ($event:IStarRatingIOnHoverRatingChangeEvent) => {
console.log('onHoverRatingChange $event: ', $event);
this.onHoverRatingChangeResult = $event;
<!-- app.component.html-->
As easy as it could be. Just apply the formControlName
attribute to the star rating component.
import {Component} from "@angular/core";
import {FormGroup, FormControl} from "@angular/forms";
selector: 'my-form-component',
template: `
<form [formGroup]="form">
<star-rating-comp [starType]="'svg'" formControlName="myRatingControl" ></star-rating-comp>
<pre>{{ form.value | json }}</pre>
export class MyFormComponent {
form = new FormGroup({
myRatingControl: new FormControl('')
<!-- app.component.html-->
- Label modifier
- Label visible
- Label text
- Label position
- Style modifier
- Star type
- Color
- Size
- Space
- Speed
- Direction
- Disabled
- Control modifier
- Rating
- Step
- Number of stars
- Show half stars
- Read only
- Id
- getColor
- getHalfStarVisible
labelVisible: string (Optional)
The visibility of the label text.
Default: true
<star-rating-comp [labelVisible]="false"></star-rating-comp>
labelText: string (Optional)
The text next to the stars.
Default: undefined
<star-rating-comp [labelText]="'My text!'"></star-rating-comp>
labelPosition: starRatingPosition (Optional)
The position of the label
Options: top, right, bottom, left
Default: left
<star-rating-comp [labelPosition]="'top'"></star-rating-comp>
starType: starRatingStarTypes (Optional)
The type of start resource to use.
Options: svg, icon
Default: svg
<star-rating-comp [starType]="'icon'"></star-rating-comp>
staticColor: starRatingColor (Optional)
Possible color names for the stars.
Options: default, negative, ok, positive
Default: undefined
<star-rating-comp [staticColor]="'positive'"></star-rating-comp>
size: starRatingSizes (Optional)
The height and width of the stars.
Options: small, medium, large
Default: medium
<star-rating-comp [size]="'small'"></star-rating-comp>
space: starRatingStarSpace (Optional)
If the start use the whole space or not.
Options: no, between, around
Default: no
<star-rating-comp [space]="'around'"></star-rating-comp>
speed: starRatingSpeed (Optional)
The duration of the animation in ms.
Options: immediately, noticeable, slow
Default: noticeable
<star-rating-comp [speed]="'slow'"></star-rating-comp>
direction: string (Optional)
The direction of the stars and label.
Options: rtl, ltr
Default: rtl
<star-rating-comp [direction]="'ltr'"></star-rating-comp>
disabled: boolean (Optional)
The click callback is disabled, colors are transparent
Default: false
<star-rating-comp [disabled]="true"></star-rating-comp>
rating: number (Optional)
The actual star rating value
Default: no
<star-rating-comp [rating]="3"></star-rating-comp>
step: number (Optional)
The step interval of the control
Default: 1
<star-rating-comp [step]="0.5"></star-rating-comp>
numOfStars: number (Optional)
The possible number of stars to choose from
Default: 5
<star-rating-comp [numOfStars]="6"></star-rating-comp>
showHalfStars: boolean (Optional)
To show half stars or not
Options: true, false
Default: false
<star-rating-comp [showHalfStars]="true"></star-rating-comp>
readOnly: boolean (Optional)
The click callback is disabled
Default: false
<star-rating-comp [readOnly]="true"></star-rating-comp>
id: string (Optional)
The html id attribute of the star rating
Default: undefined
<star-rating-comp [id]="'my-id'"></star-rating-comp>
getColor: Function (Optional)
Calculation of the color by rating.
Params: rating, number,numOfStars and staticColor
Return: color name
<star-rating-comp [getColor]="ctrl.getColor(rating, numOfStars, staticColor)"></star-rating-comp>
getHalfStarVisible: Function (Optional)
Calculation for adding the "half" class or not, depending on the rating value.
Params: rating
Return: boolean
<star-rating-comp [getHalfStarClass]="ctrl.getHalfStarClass(rating)" [rating]="3.2"></star-rating-comp>
onClick: Function (Optional)
Callback function for star click event
Params: $event
<star-rating-comp (onClick)="ctrl.onClick($event)"></star-rating-comp>
onRatingChange: Function (Optional)
Callback function for rating change event
Params: $event
<star-rating-comp (onRatingChange)="ctrl.onRatingChange($event)"></star-rating-comp>
hoverEnabled: boolean (Optional)
An or disable hover interaction.
Default: false
Potions: true, false
<star-rating-comp [hoverEnabled]="true"></star-rating-comp>
onHoverRatingChange: Function (Optional)
Callback function for hoverRating change event
Params: $event
<star-rating-comp [hoverEnabled]="true" (onHoverRatingChange)="ctrl.onHoverRatingChange($event)"></star-rating-comp>
MIT © Michael Hladky