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redirect product update #217

redirect product update

redirect product update #217

Workflow file for this run

# This workfow shows how to build a Docker image, tag and push it to DigitalOcean Container Registry, and
# deploy the application on a DIgitalOcean Kubernetes cluster. For description to the entire worklow,
# see
name: Build, push
# Controls when the action will run.
# Triggers the workflow on push request on the main branch for changes in the specified paths.
- main
- stage
- master
# - 'config/**'
# - ''
# - 'Dockerfile'
# - '.github/workflows/**'
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel.
# This workflow contains a single job called "build".
# The type of runner that the job will run on.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it.
- name: Checkout master
uses: actions/checkout@main
# Install doctl.
- name: Install doctl
uses: digitalocean/action-doctl@v2
token: ${{ secrets.DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
# Build a Docker image of your application in your registry and tag the image with the $GITHUB_SHA.
- name: Build container image
#run: docker build -t ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_NAME }}/rauversion-ror:$(echo $GITHUB_SHA | head -c7) .
run: docker build --platform=linux/amd64 -t ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_NAME }}/rauversion-ror:main .
- name: Log in to DigitalOcean Container Registry with short-lived credentials
run: doctl registry login --expiry-seconds 1200
- name: Push image to DigitalOcean Container Registry
run: docker push ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_NAME }}/rauversion-ror:main
#run: docker push ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_NAME }}/rauversion-ror:$(echo $GITHUB_SHA | head -c7)
# Deploy to DigitalOCcean Kubernetes.
#- name: Update deployment file
# run: TAG=$(echo $GITHUB_SHA | head -c7) && sed -i 's|<IMAGE>|${{ secrets.REGISTRY_NAME }}/rauversion-ror:'${TAG}'|' $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config/deployment.yml
#- name: Save DigitalOcean kubeconfig with short-lived credentials
# run: doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save --expiry-seconds 600 ${{ secrets.CLUSTER_NAME }}
# If you haven't already integrated with your registry and only want workloads in a particular namespace to be able to pull
# from your registry, uncomment the next two commands.
#- name: Upload credentials of your registry to your DigitalOcean Kubernetes cluster
# run: doctl registry kubernetes-manifest | kubectl apply -f -
#- name: Reference the secret you just uploaded as an imagePullSecrets
# run: "kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{\"imagePullSecrets\": [{\"name\": \"registry-<your-registry-name>`\"}]}'"
#- name: Deploy to DigitalOcean Kubernetes
# run: kubectl apply -f $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config/deployment.yml
#- name: Verify deployment
# run: kubectl rollout status deployment/rauversion-ror