This repository contains a risk analysis web application based on the privacy policy language PILOT. The risk analysis is carried out using the model-checker SPIN.
In order for non-technical users to benefit from our approach we also developed a web application, which provides a user friendly way to input privacy policies and execute the model-checker.
The repository contains the code of two different examples. The
directory iot-example/
contains an example on using PILOT in an
automatic number plate recognision (ANPR) system. The directory
contains an example depicting how to
benefit from our analyses in cookie consent banners.
Both examples have the structure. The contain the following two directories.
This directory includes the promela model we use to perform the risk analysis.
The file pilot-template.pml
is a version of the promela model
including annotations of the type {{annotation}}
which are replaced
by the web application with the input from the users. This step
generates a new file pilot.pml
which we use to verify risk analysis
questions using SPIN. The risk analysis questions are encoded as LTL
This directory contains a very simple node.js application which offers a user-friendly interface to execute SPIN.