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Raul Libório edited this page May 16, 2019 · 1 revision


Sends Zabbix notifications to Rocket.Chat, an Open Source Slack Alternative (Tested on Zabbix 2.4.5. For higher versions, change similar parameters.)

Definitions in examples

Variable URL
Zabbix URL
Rocket.Chat URL

In Rocket.Chat, click in Options > Administration > Integrations > New integration > Incoming WebHook

  • Enabled: True
  • Name: Incoming-zabbix
  • Post to Channel: #zabbix-channel

Save changes and get Webhook URL. Example:


Create a script

In the directory of AlertScript (Use grep ^AlertScript /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf), create a file


import sys
import requests
import json

url     = sys.argv[1]
subject = sys.argv[2]
body    = sys.argv[3]

Create a media

In Administration > Media types > Create media type:

  • Name: rocketchat-script
  • Type: script
  • Script name:

Click in add.

Create a user


I recommend that you create a group with read-only permission (zabbix-ro) of the items you want to receive alerts, and put the user rocketchat on it.

in Administration > Users > Create user

User Tab


  • Alias: rocketchat
  • Name: rocketchat
  • Groups: zabbix-ro

Media Tab:

Save changes.

Create Actions

In Configuration > Actions, select "event source: Triggers", and click in Create action.

Action Tab

  • Name: Rocket.Chat Notifications
  • Default subject: Problem {TRIGGER.NAME}
  • Default message:
  "text": ":negative_squared_cross_mark: *{TRIGGER.NAME} ({ITEM.VALUE1})*",
  "attachments": [
      "color": "#FF0000",
      "title": "[INCIDENT] {HOST.NAME}  ({HOST.CONN})",
      "title_link": "{TRIGGER.ID}&eventid={EVENT.ID}",
      "text": "Verified in {TIME}, at {EVENT.DATE}",
      "image_url": "{HOST.NAME}: {TRIGGER.NAME}&legend=1&items[0][itemid]={ITEM.ID}&items[0][drawtype]=5&items[0][color]=ff0000"

Click in Recovery message

  • Recovery subject: OK: {TRIGGER.NAME}
  • Recovery message:
  "text": ":white_check_mark: *{TRIGGER.NAME} ({ITEM.VALUE1})*",
  "attachments": [
      "color": "#00FF00",
      "title": "[OK] {HOST.NAME}  ({HOST.CONN})",
      "title_link": "{TRIGGER.ID}&eventid={EVENT.ID}",
      "text": "Verified in {TIME}, at {EVENT.DATE}",
      "image_url": "{HOST.NAME}: {TRIGGER.NAME}&legend=1&items[0][itemid]={ITEM.ID}&items[0][drawtype]=5&items[0][color]=00ff00"

To understand more about Zabbix Macros, check the link:

Click in Enabled, and Add.

Conditions tab

  • Type of calculation: And/Or (A and B and (C or D))
  • Conditions:
Label Name
A Maintenance status not in maintenance
B Trigger value = PROBLEM
C Trigger severity = Disaster
D Trigger severity = _High

In this configuration, the triggers will only be sent if an event occurs in high severity or disaster. Minor events will not be reported. To add, just include them.

Operations tab

Operation details:

  • Operation type: Send message
  • Send to Users: rocketchat
  • Send only to: rocketchat-script

Click in Add to Operation details and Add in screen.

Image of Operations tab

So when a trigger is triggered, this will be the message sent to Rocket.Chat:

Rocket.Chat Trigger

Note: To view the graphs, you need to be logged in to Zabbix.

Plus: Zabbix Template

you need to set the user macro ROOT_URL on the host where the template will be applied.

{$ROOT_URL}: Your Rocket.Chat URL (ex.: )

This template monitors:


  • MongoDB
    • Memory usage
    • MOngoDB service status
  • Node
    • Memory usage node main.js
    • Node on port 3000
    • Number of process node main.js
  • Web
    • Check status of webpage
    • Check status of api


  • Rocket.Chat is down
  • Node main.js is NOT RUNNING
  • NodeJS port is closed
  • MongoDB port is closed


  • Memory usage node main.js
  • Memory usage mongoDB