A custom wandering trader's trade management plugin written for Challenger craft minecraft server.
The configuration is setup in the following format:
traders: <-- This the root node. It must exist and must be "traders:"
trader name: <-- You can add multiple traders under the root node.
1: <-- Can be anything, honestly. Its the name of one trade recipe.
sell: <-- This is what the trader will give to player
item: DIAMOND_HOE <-- Item name
amount: 1 <-- How many? Make sure you follow the standard minecraft stacking rule.
buy: <-- This is what the trader wants from the player. Trader may request upto two different items
buy1: <-- First item the trader wants
amount: 50
buy2: <-- This is optional. You don't have to add this if you want the trader to be happy with only one item.
item: BONE
amount: 20
2: <-- Another example with only one trader "wants".
item: BAMBOO
amount: 32
amount: 20
First, edit the plugin's config.yml with your desired trading recipes. Then spawn a wandering trader and give him a custom name.
Make sure his name matches the trader name you set in the config. Then, do \ctl
or \ctLoadTrader
to load that trader's custom trade information for the configuration file.
Make sure the trader is within 30 block radius around you. Otherwise the plugin won't register that trader.
If you make changes to the configuration file, you can load the updated file using \ctr
or \ctreload
You must perform \ctl
again for the changes to take effect. The block radius limit still applies here.
All commands are exclusive to server operators by default. But you may change them by updating permission.yml of your server.
refers to the \ctr
or \ctreload
refers to the \ctl
or \ctLoadTrader