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Mesh Nodes


This spec describes the HLSL and DXIL shader details for a new 'mesh' launch type for the Work Graph node shader, modelled after the existing mesh shader stage. See the mesh nodes section of the Work Graphs spec for the surrounding details.


Work graphs are a great way to generate compute work on the GPU, and there is a lot of interest in expanding this to scheduling graphics work as a replacement for execute indirect. Mesh shader is a natural place to start. It is already a compute shader, and requires fewer modifications to adapt to a node shader than the vertex shader would. The input record can replace the mesh payload, and there is no input signature that would require special parameter handling and connection to an intermediate fixed-function input assembler stage. There are also fewer details to work out for the integration with work graphs.

Proposed solution

Add a new node launch type "mesh", indicating a mesh shader leaf graphics node. The new mesh node is based on a combination of a broadcast launch node and a mesh shader. See more details about the runtime context in the work graphs spec here.

Use the node input record as the mesh shader input payload, instead of an explicit payload argument. Like a broadcast node input record, this must have an SV_DispatchGrid field indicating the grid size when [NodeMaxDispatchGrid(x,y,z)] is used.

The same system value inputs supported for broadcast launch nodes and mesh shaders are supported in the same way here: SV_DispatchThreadID, SV_GroupThreadID, SV_GroupIndex, SV_GroupID, with the exception of SV_ViewID (see Open Questions).

Outputs to other nodes are not allowed - the mesh node must be a leaf in the work graph.

The new mesh node supports outputs inherited from the mesh shaders: vertices, primitives, and indices. As with mesh shaders, the SetMeshOutputCounts intrinsic must be used before writing to these outputs. As with mesh shaders, the vertices and primitives outputs are combined to provide the inputs the pixel shader requires. Each of these require a user defined structure using semantics on fields, where fields of HLSL basic types will be used to generate signature elements in the same way they are for mesh shader signature handling.

Amplification shaders are not supported in this context, since work graph node shaders provide the function of generating the mesh node dispatches on the GPU.

Mesh nodes can also be used as one or more entrypoints in a work graph (standalone since they can't output to other nodes), in which case the input record (payload) is supplied from DispatchGraph() at the API just like any other work graph entrypoint input.

A complete mesh node is defined at the API by first creating a generic program including the mesh node function name, a pixel shader, and other optional state, then referring to that program in a work graph program node, which may optionally override node properties, such as the node ID.

See the Mesh Nodes section of the work graphs spec, along with sections linked from there, to complete the picture.

Example Syntax

struct MyMeshRecord {
  float3 perMeshConstant;
  uint3 dispatchGrid : SV_DispatchGrid;

groupshared uint numVerts;
groupshared uint numPrims;

#define MAX_VERTS 16
#define MAX_PRIMS 8

[NodeID("meshNode", 2)]
void MyMeshNode(
    DispatchNodeInputRecord<MyMeshRecord> nodeInput,
    out vertices PerVertexValues verts[MAX_VERTS],
    out primitives PerPrimitiveValues prims[MAX_PRIMS],
    out indices uint3 tris[MAX_PRIMS],
    in uint gi : SV_GroupIndex )
  float3 data = nodeInput.Get().perMeshConstant;
  // compute numVerts, numPrims...
  SetMeshOutputCounts(numVerts, numPrims);
  // Cooperate across group to write output arrays...
  if (gi < numVerts) {
    verts[gi] = ComputeVertexValues(gi);
  if (gi < numPrims) {
    prims[gi] = ComputePrimValues(gi);
    tris[gi] = ComputeTri(gi);

Compiling Experimental Mesh Node Shaders

As a kind of node shader in work graphs, mesh node shaders are functions defined in a library. To use the experimental feature, you must compile HLSL with options: -T lib_6_9 -select-validator internal. This produces a DXIL library for use with the state object API in accordance with the work graphs spec here.

-select-validator internal is for use during feature development to avoid using an external released validator that does not recognize the feature or the in-development shader model being used.

In the API, mesh nodes may be paired with an ordinary pixel shader compiled to any ps_6_* profile. The pixel shader would not be compiled into a library target like the mesh node is.

Detailed design

HLSL Additions

A new [NodeLaunch("mesh")] mode for [shader("node")] indicates a mesh node shader entry point. This section describes this new entry type.

Function Attributes

Supports attributes from both broadcasting launch node and mesh shader, using [NodeLaunch("mesh")]. The following table is strictly from the perspective of mesh node shaders. Other values, or different descriptions could apply for other node or shader types. See Shader function attributes in Work Graphs spec for more detailed descriptions of the node function attributes.

Attribute Required Description
[shader("node")] Yes Indicates a node shader entry point
[NodeLaunch("mesh")] Yes Signifies a mesh node
[NumThreads(x,y,z)] Yes Specifies the launch size of the threadgroup of the Mesh shader, just like with compute shader. The number of threads can not exceed X * Y * Z = 128. See numthreads in the Mesh Shader spec.
[OutputTopology(topology)] Yes Specifies the topology for the output primitives of the mesh shader. topology must be "line" or "triangle". See outputtopology in the Mesh Shader spec.
[NodeDispatchGrid(x,y,z)] Yes, unless NodeMaxDispatchGrid is defined Declare a fixed dispatch grid size for use with this node. (details)
[NodeMaxDispatchGrid(x,y,z)] Yes, unless NodeDispatchGrid is defined Declare a maximum dispatch grid size for use with this node. In this case, the dispatch grid size is defined by the record field with the SV_DispatchGrid semantic. (details)
[NodeIsProgramEntry] No Node can be launched directly from the API in addition to or instead of from an upstream node in the work graph. (details)
[NodeID("nodeName")] or [NodeID("nodeName",arrayIndex)] No Name for the node; uses function name if omitted. Optional uint arrayIndex overrides the default index of 0. (details)
[NodeLocalRootArgumentsTableIndex(index)] No uint index indicates the record index into the local root arguments table bound when the work graph is used. May be omitted or set to -1 (equivalent to omitting). If omitted and a local root signature is used, the runtime will auto-assign the index. (details)
[NodeShareInputOf("nodeName")] or [NodeShareInputOf("nodeName",arrayIndex)] No Share the input of the specified NodeID with this node. (details)

Function Parameters

Input Record

Zero or one read-only input record declaration is supported for the mesh node entry. Types supported are the same as for a broadcasting launch node shader. The input record takes the place of the payload in the mesh shader.

Input Description
DispatchNodeInputRecord<recordType> read only node input
[globallycoherent] RWDispatchNodeInputRecord<recordType> Shared R/W access to input record across launched shaders. globallycoherent required for any cross-group coherency.
none Input record can be omitted when there is no record content. [NodeDispatchGrid(...)] is then required to specify a fixed grid size.

One system value is supported inside the recordType for SV_DispatchGrid, see here for more details, where mesh nodes are just like broadcast launch nodes in this regard. Any other semantics on fields in the record structure are ignored.

See the work graphs spec Node input declaration section under options for broadcasting launch for more detail.

Input System Values

For input values outside the input record, mesh nodes support the broadcasting launch node shader system values. These are the same system values supported by mesh shaders, with the exception of SV_ViewID.

system value semantic type description
SV_GroupThreadID uint3 Thread ID within group
SV_GroupIndex uint Flattened thread index within group
SV_GroupID uint3 Group ID within dispatch
SV_DispatchThreadID uint3 Thread ID within dispatch
Node Outputs

No outputs to other nodes are allowed for [LaunchMode("mesh")]. This means a mesh launch node does not allow any [Empty]NodeOutput[Array] parameters to be declared.

Mesh Shader Outputs

The mesh node entry function also supports the shared output arrays from mesh shader. The same definitions and rules from the mesh shader spec apply here. These arrays address memory shared across the group of threads, just like groupshared memory. The intrinsic function SetMeshOutputCounts must be called before writing to any of the output arrays.

Mesh shader shared output arrays Array dimension defines maximum number of Required
vertex indices primitives Yes
attributes for vertices vertices Yes
attributes for primitives primitives No

See shared output arrays in the mesh shader spec for more details.

Mesh Node Output System Values

As mentioned earlier, node outputs are not allowed on mesh nodes. Instead, this section outlines the system values that may be used on fields in structures used for vertices and primitives arrays.

Like mesh shaders, vertices and primitives outputs require a semantic on each field to produce corresponding output and primitive signature elements. Outputs also support the same system values supported by mesh shaders, listed below. See links below for additional details relevant to mesh shaders for SV_PrimitiveID and SV_CullPrimitive.

system value semantic type required? location notes
SV_Position float4 Yes vertices
SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex uint No primitives
SV_ViewPortArrayIndex uint No primitives
SV_ClipDistance float<1-4> No vertices
SV_CullDistance float<1-4> No vertices
SV_ShadingRate uint No primitives
SV_PrimitiveID uint No primitives See mesh shader spec
SV_CullPrimitive uint No primitives See mesh shader spec


SetMeshOutputCounts is an existing intrinsic, available in mesh shaders, that is used for the same purpose in mesh launch node shaders.

Excerpts from SetMeshOutputCounts in the mesh shader spec.

void SetMeshOutputCounts(
    uint numVertices,
    uint numPrimitives);

The intrinsic function SetMeshOutputCounts must be called before writing to any of the output arrays.

Some restrictions on the function use and interactions with output arrays follow.

  1. This function can only be called once per shader.
  2. This call must occur before any writes to any of the shared output arrays. The validator will verify this is the case.
  3. If the compiler can prove that this function is not called, then the threadgroup doesn't have any output. If the shader writes to any of the shared output arrays, compilation and shader validation will fail. If the shader does not call any of these functions, the compiler will issue a warning, and no rasterization work will be issued.
  4. Only the input values from the first active thread are used.
  5. This call must dominate all writes to shared output arrays. In other words, there must not be any execution path that even appears to reach any writes to any output array without first having executed this call.

See SetMeshOutputCounts in the mesh shader spec for specific details, restrictions, and examples.

Derivative Operations

Because mesh shaders and node shaders with the broadcasting launch mode both support derivative operations, the new mesh node will also support derivative operations. The support of derivative operations is part of the DerivativesInMeshAndAmplificationShadersSupported optional feature.

Interchange Format Additions

To the DXIL::NodeLaunchType enum, add Mesh (4). In DXIL metadata, this value is used in the entry function extended property metadata with the NodeLaunchType tag (13).

New extended shader property metadata tags are used to encode details needed for the mesh node. These will start at a special experimental mesh node offset of 65536 (1 << 16) to prevent collisions with new official tags, if those are added.

Tag value description
kDxilNodeMeshOutputTopologyTag 65536 i32 encoded DXIL::MeshOutputTopology from [OutputTopology(topology)] attribute
kDxilNodeMeshMaxVertexCountTag 65537 i32 max vertex count based on vertices array size.
kDxilNodeMeshMaxPrimitiveCountTag 65538 i32 max primitive count based on primitives array size.

These new extended attributes are only allowed with mesh node shader entries. Mesh node shaders require all three of these extended attributes.

The PayloadSizeInBytes for Mesh shader is subsumed by the record size already encoded for the node input.

The mesh node entry metadata supports two signature definitions:

  • The Output signature describes vertices output elements
  • The PatchConstantOrPrimitive signature describes primitives output elements.

In addition to the intrinsics supported by a broadcast launch node shader with no output nodes, the following mesh shader intrinsics are also supported by node shaders with mesh launch type:

  • dx.op.setMeshOutputCounts
  • dx.op.EmitIndices
  • dx.op.StoreVertexOutput
  • dx.op.StorePrimitiveOutput

Notably, the dx.op.GetMeshPayload intrinsic from mesh shader is not supported by mesh nodes. Instead, payload data is available through the node input record.

Runtime Additions

Runtime information

For mesh launch mode, additional node details will need to be captured to RDAT. For context, see RDAT_LibraryTypes.inl. The approach proposed for this prototype is to add a RDAT::NodeFuncAttribKind of MeshShaderInfo, and add an entry to the union: RDAT_RECORD_REF(MSInfo, MeshShaderInfo). This will use the existing MSInfo structure to encode the required details for the mesh shader. There are a few redundant fields of this structure, given what's already defined for the node shader, but for the experimental feature, the trade-off is probably worth the simplicity of avoiding another record table at this point.

Here is a breakdown of the fields in the MSInfo structure, and how they will be used in a mesh node:

  • SigOutputElements - used for the elements of the vertices output array.
  • SigPrimOutputElements - used for the elements of the primitives output array.
  • ViewIDOutputMask - unset.
  • ViewIDPrimOutputMask - unset.
  • NumThreads - redundant with NodeShaderFuncAttrib NumThreads. Could be used instead of the additional attribute, or we could copy the ref so it's identical in both places.
  • GroupSharedBytesUsed - redundant with same field in NodeShaderInfo. Set to same value.
  • GroupSharedBytesDependentOnViewID - set to zero.
  • PayloadSizeInBytes - redundant with input record size info. We shouldn't use this one. Set to zero?
  • MaxOutputVertices - based on vertices array size
  • MaxOutputPrimitives - based on primitives array size
  • MeshOutputTopology - uint8_t encoded DXIL::MeshOutputTopology based on [OutputTopology(topology)]

Device Capability

See the work graphs spec here for detail.

Devices that support experimental D3D_SHADER_MODEL_6_9 and experimental D3D12_WORK_GRAPHS_TIER_1_1 are required to support these features as part of graphics nodes in work graphs. Note: mesh shader support is already required for experimental D3D12_WORK_GRAPHS_TIER_1_1 support.

Open Questions

  • Should vanilla mesh shaders be supported, or only mesh nodes?
    • No, only mesh nodes will be supported. Ordinary mesh shaders lack key information, such as the SV_DispatchGrid location in the input record.
  • [NodeMaxInputRecordsPerGraphEntryRecord(...)] is proposed here. Should this attribute be added to HLSL?
    • It can be specified through the API, and is not currently a priority for feature preview.
  • SV_ViewID is a Mesh Shader input system value. Should it be supported in this feature preview?
    • Currently, this is not a priority, so support is not planned for is preview.
  • In the future, subobjects may be added to specify runtime details within the DXIL library for convenience.