Proposal: 0016
Author(s): Cooper Partin
Sponsor: Cooper Partin
Status: Under Consideration
Impacted Project(s): (Clang)
Issues: #63631
An effort is underway to modernize compilation of HLSL based shaders by adding HLSL compilation to clang. This effort is a long term play that positions HLSL shader compilation in a place that provides the most stability and maintainability for the future by giving as many options to DirectX while the GPU/NPU landscape evolves.
There are multiple ways to compile a shader today.
- dxc.exe - Executable that takes command line options and outputs bytecode
- IDxc** interfaces - COM-based library that is consumed by toolchains to compile shaders.
One of the HLSL compiler's primary usage modes is as a library. The clang compiler will also need to expose a library for toolchains to compile a shader.
The existing HLSL compiler's library support on Windows is COM based. This is a non-starter for clang. COM doesn't fit any of the existing patterns and is considered to be a Windows-only thing. Many developers do not like COM and are immediately turned off on seeing it as a requirement.
A better fit in the clang architecture will be to introduce a library with one or more c style exports to perform compilation tasks.
This export could be part of an existing shared library exposed from clang (example: libClang, libTooling, etc) or a completely new library that is HLSL specific. (example: libHlsl, libCompile).
Support for legacy HLSL compiler toolchains will also be addressed in this proposal. The design will help migration of older DXC-based solutions to adopt clang as the preferred HLSL compiler.
The current DirectX shader compiler library is a nano-COM implementation that supports the following features.
- Include Handlers
- Compiler
- Linker
- Validation
- Reflection Data Access
- DXIL Container Access
- PDB Symbol Access
- Intellisense Apis
These features will also need to be supported by the new c-style library. Code snippets on how to use the COM library are located in DXC api code snippets.
The following interfaces are used to work with data being passed to/from the DXC library.
// Encoding defines to use with DxcBuffer
// For convenience, equivalent definitions to CP_UTF8 and CP_UTF16.
#define DXC_CP_UTF8 65001
#define DXC_CP_UTF16 1200
// Use DXC_CP_ACP for: Binary; ANSI Text; Autodetect UTF with BOM
#define DXC_CP_ACP 0
// Structure for supplying bytes or text input to Dxc APIs. Represents both
// text (DxcText) and non-text byte buffers (DxcBuffer).
struct DxcBuffer {
SIZE_T Size;
UINT Encoding;
typedef DxcBuffer DxcText;
// General purpose buffers
struct IDxcBlob : public IUnknown {
LPVOID GetBufferPointer();
SIZE_T GetBufferSize();
// String buffers that guarantee null-terminated text and the stated encoding
struct IDxcBlobEncoding : public IDxcBlob {
HRESULT GetEncoding(BOOL *pKnown, UINT32 *pCodePage);
struct IDxcBlobUtf16 : public IDxcBlobEncoding {
LPCWSTR GetStringPointer();
SIZE_T GetStringLength();
struct IDxcBlobUtf8 : public IDxcBlobEncoding {
LPCSTR GetStringPointer();
SIZE_T GetStringLength();
Errors, status, and other kinds of data are returned as an IDxcResult interface. A unique DXC_OUT_KIND is defined for each different type of data being returned. The type of data is determined by the interface method used to produce the IDxcResult.
Example: IDxcCompiler3::Compile() and IDxcCompiler3::Disassemble() both return an IDxcResult.
typedef enum DXC_OUT_KIND {
DXC_OUT_OBJECT = 1, // IDxcBlob - Shader or library object
DXC_OUT_ERRORS = 2, // IDxcBlobUtf8 or IDxcBlobUtf16
DXC_OUT_PDB = 3, // IDxcBlob
DXC_OUT_SHADER_HASH = 4, // IDxcBlob - DxcShaderHash of shader or shader
// with source info (-Zsb/-Zss)
DXC_OUT_DISASSEMBLY = 5, // IDxcBlobUtf8/16 - from Disassemble
DXC_OUT_HLSL = 6, // IDxcBlobUtf8/16 - from Preprocessor or Rewriter
DXC_OUT_TEXT = 7, // IDxcBlobUtf8/16 - other text, such as -ast-dump
// or -Odump
DXC_OUT_REFLECTION = 8, // IDxcBlob - RDAT part with reflection data
DXC_OUT_ROOT_SIGNATURE = 9, // IDxcBlob - Serialized root signature output
DXC_OUT_EXTRA_OUTPUTS = 10,// IDxcExtraResults - Extra outputs
struct IDxcOperationResult : public IUnknown {
HRESULT GetStatus(HRESULT *pStatus);
struct IDxcResult : public IDxcOperationResult {
BOOL HasOutput(DXC_OUT_KIND dxcOutKind);
HRESULT GetOutput(DXC_OUT_KIND dxcOutKind,
REFIID iid, void **ppvObject,
IDxcBlobUtf16 **ppOutputName);
UINT32 GetNumOutputs();
DXC_OUT_KIND GetOutputByIndex(UINT32 Index);
DXC_OUT_KIND PrimaryOutput();
The shader compiler library also provides a set of utility functions via IDxcUtils. This can be used to create/consume the different data in the forms referred to above. It is obtained by calling DxcCreateInstance().
com_ptr<IDxcUtils> utils;
check_hresult(DxcCreateInstance(CLSID_DxcUtils, IID_PPV_ARGS(utils.put())));
struct IDxcUtils : public IUnknown {
// Create a sub-blob that holds a reference to the outer blob and points to
// its memory.
HRESULT CreateBlobFromBlob(
IDxcBlob *pBlob,
UINT32 offset,
UINT32 length,
IDxcBlob **ppResult);
// Creates a blob referencing existing memory, with no copy.
HRESULT CreateBlobFromPinned(
UINT32 size,
UINT32 codePage,
IDxcBlobEncoding **pBlobEncoding);
// Create blob, taking ownership of memory allocated with supplied allocator.
IMalloc *pIMalloc,
UINT32 size,
UINT32 codePage,
IDxcBlobEncoding **pBlobEncoding);
// Copy blob contents to memory owned by the new blob.
HRESULT CreateBlob(
UINT32 size,
UINT32 codePage,
IDxcBlobEncoding **pBlobEncoding);
LPCWSTR pFileName,
UINT32* pCodePage,
IDxcBlobEncoding **pBlobEncoding);
HRESULT CreateReadOnlyStreamFromBlob(
IDxcBlob *pBlob,
IStream **ppStream);
HRESULT CreateDefaultIncludeHandler(
IDxcIncludeHandler **ppResult);
// Convert or return matching encoded text blobs
HRESULT GetBlobAsUtf8(
IDxcBlob *pBlob,
IDxcBlobUtf8 **pBlobEncoding);
HRESULT GetBlobAsUtf16(
IDxcBlob *pBlob,
IDxcBlobUtf16 **pBlobEncoding);
HRESULT GetDxilContainerPart(
const DxcBuffer *pShader,
UINT32 DxcPart,
void **ppPartData,
UINT32 *pPartSizeInBytes);
// Create reflection interface from serialized Dxil container, or
HRESULT CreateReflection(
const DxcBuffer *pData,
REFIID iid, void **ppvReflection);
// Create arguments for IDxcCompiler2::Compile
HRESULT BuildArguments(
LPCWSTR pSourceName, // Optional file name for pSource. Used in errors
// and include handlers.
LPCWSTR pEntryPoint, // Entry point name. (-E)
LPCWSTR pTargetProfile, // Shader profile to compile. (-T)
LPCWSTR *pArguments, // Array of pointers to arguments
UINT32 argCount, // Number of arguments
const DxcDefine *pDefines,// Array of defines
UINT32 defineCount, // Number of defines
IDxcCompilerArgs **ppArgs); // Arguments you can use with Compile() method
// Takes the shader PDB and returns the hash and the container inside it
IDxcBlob *pPDBBlob, IDxcBlob **ppHash,
IDxcBlob **ppContainer);
Provided to customize the handling of include directives. An implementation of the following interface is provided as a hook into compilation. A default implementation that reads include files from the filesystem can also be created using IDxcUtils::CreateDefaultIncludeHandler.
struct IDxcIncludeHandler : public IUnknown {
LPCWSTR pFilename, // candidate filename.
IDxcBlob **ppIncludeSource); // resultant source object for included file,
// nullptr if not found.
IDxcCompiler3 is the most current entrypoint for compiling a shader or disassembling DXIL containers/bitcode.
Provides support for:
- Compiling a single entry point to the target shader model
- Compiling a library to a library target (using -R lib_*)
- Compiling a rootsignature (-T rootsig_*)
- Preprocessing HLSL source (-P)
- Disassembling DXIL container or bitcode
struct IDxcCompiler3 : public IUnknown {
HRESULT Compile(
const DxcBuffer *pSource, // source text to compile
LPCWSTR *pArguments, // array of pointers to arguments
UINT32 argCount, // number of arguments
IDxcIncludeHandler *pIncludeHandler, // user-provided interface to handle
// #include directives (optional)
REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppResult); // IDxcResult: status, buffer, and
// errors
HRESULT Disassemble(
const DxcBuffer *pObject, // dxil container or bitcode
REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppResult); // IDxcResult: status, disassembly
// text, and errors
Links a shader and produces a shader blob that can be consumed by the D3D runtime.
TODO: Does IDxcCompiler3 cover this already?
struct IDxcLinker : public IUnknown {
// Register a library with name to reference it later.
HRESULT RegisterLibrary(
IDxcBlob *pLib);
// Links the shader and produces a shader blob that the Direct3D runtime can
// use.
LPCWSTR pEntryName, // Entry point name
LPCWSTR pTargetProfile, // shader profile to link
const LPCWSTR *pLibNames, // Array of library names to link
UINT32 libCount, // Number of libraries to link
const LPCWSTR *pArguments, // Array of pointers to arguments
UINT32 argCount, // Number of arguments
IDxcOperationResult **ppResult); // output status, buffer, and errors
The following interfaces are used to create/manipulate DXIL containers.
struct IDxcContainerBuilder : public IUnknown {
HRESULT Load(IDxcBlob *pDxilContainerHeader); // Loads a container
HRESULT AddPart(UINT32 fourCC, IDxcBlob *pSource); // Add a part to container
HRESULT RemovePart(UINT32 fourCC); // Remove part from container
// Builds a container of the given container builder state
HRESULT SerializeContainer(IDxcOperationResult **ppResult);
struct IDxcAssembler : public IUnknown {
// Assemble dxil in ll or llvm bitcode to DXIL container.
HRESULT AssembleToContainer(
IDxcBlob *pShader, // shader to assemble
IDxcOperationResult **ppResult); // output status, buffer, and errors
A DXIL container can be inspected and different parts can be accessed using IDxcContinerReflection. ID3D12ShaderReflection can also be retrieved using IDxcUtils::CreateReflection and passing REFLECTION_DATA returned from IDxcResult::GetOutput().
#define DXC_PART_PDB DXC_FOURCC('I', 'L', 'D', 'B')
#define DXC_PART_PDB_NAME DXC_FOURCC('I', 'L', 'D', 'N')
#define DXC_PART_DXIL DXC_FOURCC('D', 'X', 'I', 'L')
struct IDxcContainerReflection : public IUnknown {
HRESULT Load(IDxcBlob *pContainer); // Container to load.
HRESULT GetPartCount(UINT32 *pResult);
HRESULT GetPartKind(UINT32 idx, UINT32 *pResult);
HRESULT GetPartContent(UINT32 idx, IDxcBlob **ppResult);
HRESULT FindFirstPartKind(UINT32 kind, UINT32 *pResult);
HRESULT GetPartReflection(UINT32 idx, REFIID iid, void **ppvObject);
ID3D12ShaderReflection provides access to descriptions and other information about the many different parts of the shader.
struct ID3D12ShaderReflection : public IUnknown {
ID3D12ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer* GetConstantBufferByIndex(UINT Index);
ID3D12ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer* GetConstantBufferByName(LPCSTR Name);
HRESULT GetResourceBindingDesc(UINT ResourceIndex,
HRESULT GetInputParameterDesc(UINT ParameterIndex,
HRESULT GetOutputParameterDesc(UINT ParameterIndex,
HRESULT GetPatchConstantParameterDesc(UINT ParameterIndex,
ID3D12ShaderReflectionVariable* GetVariableByName(LPCSTR Name);
HRESULT GetResourceBindingDescByName(LPCSTR Name,
UINT GetMovInstructionCount();
UINT GetMovcInstructionCount();
UINT GetConversionInstructionCount();
UINT GetBitwiseInstructionCount();
D3D_PRIMITIVE GetGSInputPrimitive();
BOOL IsSampleFrequencyShader();
UINT GetNumInterfaceSlots();
HRESULT GetMinFeatureLevel(D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL* pLevel);
UINT GetThreadGroupSize(UINT* pSizeX,
UINT* pSizeY,
UINT* pSizeZ);
UINT64 GetRequiresFlags();
The shader description reports stats/totals for the different types in a shader.
typedef struct _D3D12_SHADER_DESC
UINT Version; // Shader version
LPCSTR Creator; // Creator string
UINT Flags; // Shader compilation/parse flags
UINT ConstantBuffers; // Number of constant buffers
UINT BoundResources; // Number of bound resources
UINT InputParameters; // Number of parameters in the input signature
UINT OutputParameters; // Number of parameters in the output signature
UINT InstructionCount; // Number of emitted instructions
UINT TempRegisterCount; // Number of temporary registers used
UINT TempArrayCount; // Number of temporary arrays used
UINT DefCount; // Number of constant defines
UINT DclCount; // Number of declarations (input + output)
UINT TextureNormalInstructions; // Number of non-categorized texture
// instructions
UINT TextureLoadInstructions; // Number of texture load instructions
UINT TextureCompInstructions; // Number of texture comparison
// instructions
UINT TextureBiasInstructions; // Number of texture bias instructions
UINT TextureGradientInstructions; // Number of texture gradient instructions
UINT FloatInstructionCount; // Number of floating point arithmetic
// instructions used
UINT IntInstructionCount; // Number of signed integer arithmetic
// instructions used
UINT UintInstructionCount; // Number of unsigned integer arithmetic
// instructions used
UINT StaticFlowControlCount; // Number of static flow control
// instructions used
UINT DynamicFlowControlCount; // Number of dynamic flow control
// instructions used
UINT MacroInstructionCount; // Number of macro instructions used
UINT ArrayInstructionCount; // Number of array instructions used
UINT CutInstructionCount; // Number of cut instructions used
UINT EmitInstructionCount; // Number of emit instructions used
D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY GSOutputTopology; // Geometry shader output topology
UINT GSMaxOutputVertexCount; // Geometry shader maximum output vertex count
D3D_PRIMITIVE InputPrimitive;// GS/HS input primitive
UINT PatchConstantParameters;// Number of parameters in the patch constant
// signature
UINT cGSInstanceCount; // Number of Geometry shader instances
UINT cControlPoints; // Number of control points in the HS->DS stage
D3D_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVE HSOutputPrimitive; // Primitive output by
// the tessellator
D3D_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING HSPartitioning; // Partitioning mode of the
// tessellator
D3D_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN TessellatorDomain; // Domain of the tessellator
// (quad, tri, isoline)
// instruction counts
UINT cBarrierInstructions; // Number of barrier instructions in a
// compute shader
UINT cInterlockedInstructions; // Number of interlocked instructions
UINT cTextureStoreInstructions;// Number of texture writes
typedef enum _D3D_CBUFFER_TYPE
typedef struct _D3D12_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC
LPCSTR Name; // Name of the constant buffer
D3D_CBUFFER_TYPE Type; // Indicates type of buffer content
UINT Variables; // Number of member variables
UINT Size; // Size of CB (in bytes)
UINT uFlags; // Buffer description flags
struct ID3D12ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer : public IUnknown {
ID3D12ShaderReflectionVariable* GetVariableByIndex(UINT Index);
ID3D12ShaderReflectionVariable* GetVariableByName(LPCSTR Name);
typedef struct _D3D12_SHADER_TYPE_DESC
D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_CLASS Class; // (e.g. object, matrix, etc.)
D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE Type; // (e.g. float, sampler, etc.)
UINT Rows; // Number of rows (for matrices, 1 for other numeric, 0 if
// not applicable)
UINT Columns; // Number of columns (for vectors & matrices, 1 for other
// numeric, 0 if not applicable)
UINT Elements;// Number of elements (0 if not an array)
UINT Members; // Number of members (0 if not a structure)
UINT Offset; // Offset from the start of structure (0 if not a structure
// member)
LPCSTR Name; // Name of type, can be NULL
struct ID3D12ShaderReflectionType : public IUnknown {
ID3D12ShaderReflectionType* GetMemberTypeByIndex(UINT Index);
ID3D12ShaderReflectionType* GetMemberTypeByName(LPCSTR Name);
LPCSTR, GetMemberTypeName(UINT Index);
HRESULT IsEqual(ID3D12ShaderReflectionType* pType);
ID3D12ShaderReflectionType* GetSubType();
ID3D12ShaderReflectionType* GetBaseClass();
UINT GetNumInterfaces();
ID3D12ShaderReflectionType* GetInterfaceByIndex(UINT uIndex);
HRESULT IsOfType(ID3D12ShaderReflectionType* pType);
HRESULT ImplementsInterface(ID3D12ShaderReflectionType* pBase);
typedef struct _D3D12_SHADER_VARIABLE_DESC
LPCSTR Name; // Name of the variable
UINT StartOffset; // Offset in constant buffer's backing store
UINT Size; // Size of variable (in bytes)
UINT uFlags; // Variable flags
LPVOID DefaultValue; // Raw pointer to default value
UINT StartTexture; // First texture index (or -1 if no textures used)
UINT TextureSize; // Number of texture slots possibly used.
UINT StartSampler; // First sampler index (or -1 if no textures used)
UINT SamplerSize; // Number of sampler slots possibly used.
struct ID3D12ShaderReflectionVariable : public IUnknown {
ID3D12ShaderReflectionType* GetType();
ID3D12ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer* GetBuffer();
UINT GetInterfaceSlot(UINT uArrayIndex);
typedef struct _D3D12_LIBRARY_DESC
LPCSTR Creator; // The name of the originator of the library.
UINT Flags; // Compilation flags.
UINT FunctionCount; // Number of functions exported from the library.
struct ID3D12LibraryReflection : public IUnknown {
ID3D12FunctionReflection* GetFunctionByIndex(INT FunctionIndex);
typedef struct _D3D12_FUNCTION_DESC
UINT Version; // Shader version
LPCSTR Creator; // Creator string
UINT Flags; // Shader compilation/parse flags
UINT ConstantBuffers; // Number of constant buffers
UINT BoundResources; // Number of bound resources
UINT InstructionCount; // Number of emitted instructions
UINT TempRegisterCount; // Number of temporary registers used
UINT TempArrayCount; // Number of temporary arrays used
UINT DefCount; // Number of constant defines
UINT DclCount; // Number of declarations (input + output)
UINT TextureNormalInstructions; // Number of non-categorized texture
// instructions
UINT TextureLoadInstructions; // Number of texture load instructions
UINT TextureCompInstructions; // Number of texture comparison instructions
UINT TextureBiasInstructions; // Number of texture bias instructions
UINT TextureGradientInstructions; // Number of texture gradient instructions
UINT FloatInstructionCount; // Number of floating point arithmetic
// instructions used
UINT IntInstructionCount; // Number of signed integer arithmetic
// instructions used
UINT UintInstructionCount; // Number of unsigned integer arithmetic
// instructions used
UINT StaticFlowControlCount; // Number of static flow control
// instructions used
UINT DynamicFlowControlCount; // Number of dynamic flow control
// instructions used
UINT MacroInstructionCount; // Number of macro instructions used
UINT ArrayInstructionCount; // Number of array instructions used
UINT MovInstructionCount; // Number of mov instructions used
UINT MovcInstructionCount; // Number of movc instructions used
UINT ConversionInstructionCount;// Number of type conversion instructions
// used
UINT BitwiseInstructionCount; // Number of bitwise arithmetic instructions
// used
D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL MinFeatureLevel; // Min target of the function byte code
UINT64 RequiredFeatureFlags; // Required feature flags
LPCSTR Name; // Function name
INT FunctionParameterCount; // Number of logical parameters in the
// function signature (not including return)
BOOL HasReturn; // TRUE, if function returns a value,
// false - it is a subroutine
BOOL Has10Level9VertexShader; // TRUE, if there is a 10L9 VS blob
BOOL Has10Level9PixelShader; // TRUE, if there is a 10L9 PS blob
struct ID3D12FunctionReflection : public IUnknown {
ID3D12ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer* GetConstantBufferByIndex(UINT BufferIndex);
ID3D12ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer* GetConstantBufferByName(LPCSTR Name);
HRESULT GetResourceBindingDesc(UINT ResourceIndex,
ID3D12ShaderReflectionVariable* GetVariableByName(LPCSTR Name);
HRESULT GetResourceBindingDescByName(LPCSTR Name,
// Use D3D_RETURN_PARAMETER_INDEX to get description of the return value.
ID3D12FunctionParameterReflection *, GetFunctionParameter)(THIS_ _In_ INT ParameterIndex) PURE;
typedef struct _D3D12_PARAMETER_DESC
LPCSTR Name; // Parameter name.
LPCSTR SemanticName; // Parameter semantic name (+index).
D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE Type; // Element type.
D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_CLASS Class; // Scalar/Vector/Matrix.
UINT Rows; // Rows are for matrix parameters.
UINT Columns; // Components or Columns in matrix.
D3D_INTERPOLATION_MODE InterpolationMode; // Interpolation mode.
D3D_PARAMETER_FLAGS Flags; // Parameter modifiers.
UINT FirstInRegister; // The first input register for this parameter.
UINT FirstInComponent; // The first input register component for this
// parameter.
UINT FirstOutRegister; // The first output register for this parameter.
UINT FirstOutComponent; // The first output register component for this
// parameter.
struct ID3D12FunctionParameterReflection : public IUnknown {
A PDB utility library is provided and can operate on existing PDB data or DXIL and provides access to symbol information for a shader. This is useful for inspecting symbols to get a deeper view and provide better shader debugging experience.
struct IDxcPdbUtils : public IUnknown {
HRESULT Load(IDxcBlob *pPdbOrDxil);
HRESULT GetSourceCount(UINT32 *pCount);
HRESULT GetSource(UINT32 uIndex, IDxcBlobEncoding **ppResult);
HRESULT GetSourceName(UINT32 uIndex, BSTR *pResult);
HRESULT GetFlagCount(UINT32 *pCount);
HRESULT GetFlag(UINT32 uIndex, BSTR *pResult);
HRESULT GetArgCount(UINT32 *pCount);
HRESULT GetArg(UINT32 uIndex, BSTR *pResult);
HRESULT GetArgPairCount(UINT32 *pCount);
HRESULT GetArgPair(UINT32 uIndex, BSTR *pName, BSTR *pValue);
HRESULT GetDefineCount(UINT32 *pCount);
HRESULT GetDefine(UINT32 uIndex, BSTR *pResult);
HRESULT GetTargetProfile(BSTR *pResult);
HRESULT GetEntryPoint(BSTR *pResult);
HRESULT GetMainFileName(BSTR *pResult);
HRESULT GetHash(IDxcBlob **ppResult);
HRESULT GetName(BSTR *pResult);
HRESULT GetFullPDB(IDxcBlob **ppFullPDB) = 0;
HRESULT GetVersionInfo(IDxcVersionInfo **ppVersionInfo) = 0;
HRESULT SetCompiler(IDxcCompiler3 *pCompiler);
HRESULT CompileForFullPDB(IDxcResult **ppResult);
HRESULT OverrideArgs(DxcArgPair *pArgPairs, UINT32 uNumArgPairs);
HRESULT OverrideRootSignature(const WCHAR *pRootSignature);
There is a whole additional set of interfaces shipped as part of the dxc compiler download included in dxcisense.h. These interfaces are used to implement shader source GUI experiences.
This document will not go into much detail on these interfaces but they do need to be called out as supported by the DXC library. PIX is an example of a tool that currently uses these interfaces. Support for things like this in clang can be done via a language server protocol. Language service protocols standardize the communication between tooling and code editors. Language Server Protocol
struct IDxcCursor;
struct IDxcDiagnostic;
struct IDxcFile;
struct IDxcInclusion;
struct IDxcIntelliSense;
struct IDxcIndex;
struct IDxcSourceLocation;
struct IDxcSourceRange;
struct IDxcToken;
struct IDxcTranslationUnit;
struct IDxcType;
struct IDxcUnsavedFile;
struct IDxcCodeCompleteResults;
struct IDxcCompletionResult;
struct IDxcCompletionString;
Validates a shader with/without debug information. This is useful for tooling that wants to deeper inspect and understand the quality of a shader.
static const UINT32 DxcValidatorFlags_Default = 0;
static const UINT32 DxcValidatorFlags_InPlaceEdit = 1; // validator is allowed
// to update shader
// blob in-place.
static const UINT32 DxcValidatorFlags_RootSignatureOnly = 2;
static const UINT32 DxcValidatorFlags_ModuleOnly = 4;
static const UINT32 DxcValidatorFlags_ValidMask = 0x7;
struct IDxcValidator : public IUnknown {
HRESULT Validate(
IDxcBlob *pShader, // shader to validate
UINT32 Flags, // Validation flags
IDxcOperationResult **ppResult); // output status, buffer, and errors
struct IDxcValidator2 : public IDxcValidator {
HRESULT ValidateWithDebug(
IDxcBlob *pShader, // shader to validate.
UINT32 Flags, // validation flags.
DxcBuffer *pOptDebugBitcode, // optional debug module bitcode to
// provide line numbers
IDxcOperationResult **ppResult); // output status, buffer, and errors
An optimizer can be run over a shader and return information about the different passes involved.
struct IDxcOptimizerPass : public IUnknown {
HRESULT GetOptionName(LPWSTR *ppResult);
HRESULT GetDescription(LPWSTR *ppResult);
HRESULT GetOptionArgCount(UINT32 *pCount);
HRESULT GetOptionArgName(UINT32 argIndex, LPWSTR *ppResult);
HRESULT GetOptionArgDescription(UINT32 argIndex, LPWSTR *ppResult);
struct IDxcOptimizer : public IUnknown {
HRESULT GetAvailablePassCount(_Out_ UINT32 *pCount) = 0;
HRESULT GetAvailablePass(UINT32 index, IDxcOptimizerPass** ppResult);
HRESULT RunOptimizer(IDxcBlob *pBlob,
LPCWSTR *ppOptions, UINT32 optionCount,
IDxcBlob **pOutputModule,
IDxcBlobEncoding **ppOutputText);
com_ptr<IDxcUtils> utils;
check_hresult(DxcCreateInstance(CLSID_DxcUtils, IID_PPV_ARGS(utils.put())));
com_ptr<IDxcBlobEncoding> shaderSource;
check_hresult(utils->LoadFile(L"shader.hlsl", nullptr, shaderSource.put()));
DxcBuffer sourceBuffer;
sourceBuffer.Ptr = shaderSource->GetBufferPointer();
sourceBuffer.Size = shaderSource->GetBufferSize();
sourceBuffer.Encoding = 0;
com_ptr<IDxcCompiler3> compiler;
check_hresult(DxcCreateInstance(CLSID_DxcCompiler, IID_PPV_ARGS(compiler.put())));
std::vector<const wchar_t*> arguments;
arguments.push_back(DXC_ARG_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS); //-WX
arguments.push_back(DXC_ARG_DEBUG); //-Zi
com_ptr<IDxcResult> compileResult;
com_ptr<IDxcBlobUtf8> errors;
check_hresult(compileResult->GetOutput(DXC_OUT_ERRORS, IID_PPV_ARGS(errors.put()),nullptr));
if (errors && errors->GetStringLength() > 0) {
// Compile failed, details are in errors->GetStringPointer()
} else {
// Compile succeeded
A shader can be optimized by providing different passes lists to the optimizer. The code below shows how to get the optimizations performed and how to call into the IDxcOptimizer with a pass list.
Passes can also be added as arguments for compilation.
// Collect optimization passes and list them
com_ptr<IDxcResult> dumpResult;
check_hresult(dumpResult->GetOutput(DXC_OUT_ERRORS, IID_PPV_ARGS(errors.put()), nullptr));
if (errors && errors->GetStringLength() > 0) {
// Compile failed, details are in errors->GetStringPointer()
} else {
// Compile succeeded
com_ptr<IDxcBlobUtf8> passes;
check_hresult(dumpResult->GetOutput(DXC_OUT_TEXT, IID_PPV_ARGS(passes.put()), nullptr));
if (passes && passes->GetStringLength() > 0) {
// Passes are crlf separated and are in passes->GetStringPointer()
else {
// no passes found
# Per-function passes
# Per-module passes
< removed others to make this example shorter>
// Example of passing a custom passes list and calling the optimizer
com_ptr<IDxcOperationResult> compResult;
com_ptr<IDxcBlob> objectData;
const wchar_t* thePasses[] = {
com_ptr<IDxcBlob> optimizedResult;
optimizedResult.put(), nullptr));
com_ptr<IDxcResult> compileResult; // Obtained by calling Compile()
// Get reflection data with ID3D12ShaderReflection
if (compileResult->HasOutput(DXC_OUT_REFLECTION)) {
com_ptr<IDxcBlob> reflectionData;
DXC_OUT_REFLECTION, IID_PPV_ARGS(reflectionData.put()), nullptr));
if (reflectionData) {
DxcBuffer reflectionBuffer;
reflectionBuffer.Ptr = reflectionData->GetBufferPointer();
reflectionBuffer.Size = reflectionData->GetBufferSize();
reflectionBuffer.Encoding = 0;
com_ptr<ID3D12ShaderReflection> shaderReflection;
&reflectionBuffer, IID_PPV_ARGS(shaderReflection.put())));
// Get shader description from reflection information
D3D12_SHADER_DESC desc{};
} else {
// No reflection data found
// Get DXIL container reflection data
if (compileResult->HasOutput(DXC_OUT_OBJECT)) {
com_ptr<IDxcBlob> objectData;
DXC_OUT_OBJECT, IID_PPV_ARGS(objectData.put()), nullptr));
com_ptr<IDxcContainerReflection> containerReflection;
CLSID_DxcContainerReflection, IID_PPV_ARGS(containerReflection.put())));
// DXIL Container reflection data is ready to be accessed
} else {
// No compiler object data found
This approach involves creating wrapper code released on https://github.com/microsoft that can be included into existing toolchain projects. This wrapper implementation will be a drop-in match to all of the existing public interfaces allowing easy adoption to using clang.
The wrapper implementation will call into the new C export for compilation.
This approach combines Alternative 1 and adds compiling the wrapper code into formal header/libraries that can be consumed by legacy toolchains.