This repository stores the translation file of the youtube videos from the Robot Academy of Peter Corke. We will translate it to Portuguese (Brasil). There is also the raw files on the "Raw" Folder, anyone that want to help translate to another language can fork it and use it on another git.
The translation was coordinated by Yuri Loia(, and the team was composed by: Alysson Hyago, Andhré Carvalho, Debora Nunes, Felipe Nascimento, Giovana Oliveira, Ivna Rebecca, João Pedro Melquiades, Lara Sobral, Lucas Fernando, Maysa Freire, Natã Macedo, Pyettra Feitosa, Victor Marinho, Vinicius Formiga, Vinicius França, Vitor Araujo
The "Academy Translate" aims to bring Robotics educational material to Portuguese, because most of the material is made in English. We aim to facilitate the study of begginers in robotics translating this free material from the professor Peter Corke.
What do you need:
- A team of people that wants to contribute and have time to do it;
- A person that will lead them, it needs to be organized and needs to know how to deal with people;
- A material that needs to be translated;
What do you need most to carry a project like this is a discipline of work, it's an "ants job", if everyday you work in a small pieace of a project, after a year you will have a great amount of work done. Both of the projects that the "Academy Translate" had, were done without a deadline to finish it, but all the tasks that we had have deadlines so we can organize better the flow of work, so the people from the project could not get idle
- Deadlines and amount of work:
About the Corke Videos from the Academy Robotics every two-three weeks the people from the project have 120-170 lines of video to translate. After the deadline the leader will check if there was anything missing, and will contact the ones that didn't concluded the activity on the deadline.
- Project Activity
IR1 - done
IR2 - done
IR3 - done
IR4 - done
IR5 - done
IR6 - done
IR7 - done
IR8 - done
IR9 - in progress
IR10 - done
IR11 - in progress