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Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) written in Python. Supports Diku/Merc .are files, GMCP

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PyMUD v0.0.1
January 2024

== Introduction

PyMUD is a MUD codebase written from scratch in Python.
Inspiration for it comes from MUDs originally based on 
the Diku/Merc however the code it is all original

Built with Python v3.12.1

== Folder Structure

./          source code (*.py)
./config    server config files
./database  sqlite db files (initially empty)
./log       log files (initially empty)
./world     area / zone files

== How to run

python [port optional, default 4000]

== Summary of the source code: - handles skills and spells learning and levelup - handles melee combat - handles processing messages to players and player login/char creation - where constant data is stored - implements GMCP - processes the player's command input - handles mob specific behavour - the main data structure and methods for players, mobs, objects and resets - checks/creates user password on login - starts up the server and contains the game_loop - common functions that any other .py file can use - handles the players social commands - handles spellcasting - handles timed events - loads and parses the world .are files into the template managers

== Most Important Data Structures
    PlayerDatabase - save files for players
    ObjectDatabase - save files for objects to be saved (eg on players)

    PlayerManager - player_manager instance contains all the players currently connected
    Player - every client gets an instance, contains all their connectively and gameplay data

    Character - main character data (note, Mob's also get this class)
    Inventory - players / mobs inventory
    Equipment - players / mobs equipped items

    MobTemplate - the mob data loaded from the .are files to a template
    ObjectTemplate - the object data loaded from the .are files to a template

    Room - the room instances, loaded directly from the .are files

    MobInstance - the individual mobs in the game
    ObjectInstance - the individual objects in the game

    Resets - manages the area reset/repop process

    CombatManager - tracks who's in combat with who

== Most Important Functions

build_world         # loads all the .are file (note: compatable with diku/merc .are files)
game_loop           # loops continiously containing the main game logic, see next section
handle_player       # process player commands (eg look)
tick_loop / mini_tick_loop  # manages commonly used timed events (eg regen)
do_cast             # casts a spell

== Often Used Fucntions

# send messages to players
send_message(player, message)
send_room_message(room, msg, excluded_player=None, excluded_msg=None)

# characters room instance
player.current_room, mob.current_room -- reference the current room

# handling player input
## takes the first argument a player gives and puts it in arg1, puts the remainder in arg2
## arguments in quotes are counted as a single argument, eg
## command = give, argument = 'red cloak' player
## splits into arg 1 = "red cloak", arg2 = "player"
arg1, arg2 = parse_argument(argument)

# search for a target (eg look, give, kill, cast etc)
## note multiple set of items can be inputed via a pipe |
## for example: search_items((room.get_players() | room.get_mobs()), target_name)
## returns the instance found, None is not found
## is able to process the X. format, eg target_name of "2.mobname" would find the 2nd mob
search_items(set_of_instances, keyword)

# log to server output window / log file
log_info(msg) / log_error(msg)

== Overview of game start / loop
    main() launches the following before starting the game loop:
        # parse all of the .are files in world and loads them into the template managers and the reset manager

        # loads all of the rooms, mobs, and objects from the template managers into the world

        # loads all of the saved objects (eg on players) into the world

        # starts up the server, which them calls game_loop

    game_loop() is the main loop for the game and will run until the server is shutdown.
    note that the MUD has been designed as single threaded with non-blocking sockets
    The game_loop works in the following way:

        iterate over every socket:
            check for new connections and pass them over to handle_new_client() (
                on connection, a socket will be assigned a Player instance
            existing connections, read the input data to player_data[player]
                if the client has sent us GMCP data, pass over to for processing

        iterate over every player:
            if the player is already loggedin:
                pass the input to handle_player ( which handles all player cmds
            if the player is not loggedin:
                pass the input to handle_client_login (

        iterate over every player and send them their output_buffer (via process_output())

        call the main game logic function, update_game_state() which does following
            - every 2 seconds, processes a round of combat
            - checks a number of timed events, eg ticks, via timed_events() (

        sends any gmcp messages to the players then briefly waits before looping again


Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) written in Python. Supports Diku/Merc .are files, GMCP




