This code is based on [...] Oliveira+2022
Requires Python 3.7+ and the libraries listed in requirements.txt, which can be installed with pip3 install -r requirements.txt
or manually with pip/conda. A user and login must already be registered at Gaia-ESA CAS, and must be inserted in the file GaiaEDR3/my_credentials.txt.
- Inquirer inputs... NGC6266 is an example!
- Catalogues from Clement, OGLE, Gaia EDR3 and cross-match
- Auxiliary cats with memberships and mean magnitudes for all RR Lyrae
- Figures to be saved...
- Oliveira et al., 2022, A&A, 657, A123
- Clement et al. (2001): compilation of RR Lyrae in GCs
- Soszynski et al. (2019): OGLE-IV data
- Bellini et al. (2009): membership equation
- Same as Gaia code: Lindegren+2021, Riello+2021, Cantat-Gaudin & Brandt (2010), Fabricius+2021, Gaia Collaboration+2021