API Service Mailer, which allows PHP applications to send emails through API.
Choose between the below list which API mail service you want to use.
It reads the configuration from environment
using getenv
composer require rr/api-mailer
# add Sendgird token to the environment
# add Mailjet tokens to the environment.
# Mailjet API version used is v3.1
MJ_APIKEY_PUBLIC=[Mailjet API Public Key]
MJ_APIKEY_PRIVATE=[Mailjet API Secret Key]
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$mailer = \RR\ApiMailer\ApiMailer::getMailerInstance('sendgrid'); // sendgrid | mailjet
$message = new \RR\ApiMailer\Message(
'this is subject', // subject
'[email protected]', // from
['[email protected]'], // array of recipients
'this is text', // plain text email body
'<h1>this is HTML content</h1>' // HTML email body
$result = $mailer->send($message);
if ($result === true) {
echo 'Successfully sent';
} else { // Error