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Releases: rakit/validation


29 Nov 15:23
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  • Rule mimes to validate mime types from $_FILE data. (3924708)
  • Method Helper::join to join array of string with given separator and last separator. (8e99f34)
  • Method Helper::wraps to wraps array of string with given prefix and suffix. (8e99f34)
  • Trait Rakit\Validation\Traits\TranslationsTrait contains setter and getter translations. (bb8c375)
  • Method Rule::setParameterText to set custom parameter text that can be used in invalid message. (550c6c4)
  • Method Rule::getParametersTexts to get custom parameters texts. (550c6c4)
  • PHP_Codesniffer. (91ff927)
  • Typehints and PHPDoc comments. (#67)


  • PHP minimum version from 5.5 to 7.0. (#62)
  • Rule uploaded_file can be used to validate multiple file uploads. (#71)
  • Rakit\Validation\ErrorBag::firstOfAll() return array assoc instead of indexed array. (69b5110)
  • Rakit\Validation\Rule::check() must return bool. (#68)
  • Rules min, max, and between can be used to validate uploaded file size from $_FILES. (ae3a47b)
  • Rule uploaded_file default message is dynamic depends on what caused. (0db9279)
  • Rule in and not_in default messages shows what options are allowed or not allowed. (0db9279)
  • Rule default using trait Rakit\Validation\Rules\Traits\ModifyValue to modify value if it's empty. (#71)