Build efficient and reusable front-end mobile first general design for e-commerce businesses
"OUTPUT" directory contains a few images, to give an idea how about project's UI, UX, features and working.
Browser's local storage
ng new ecommerce
cd ecommerce
ng serve --open
npm install --save
npm install typescript
npm install bootstrap ngx-bootstrap --save
index.html -> insert <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
ng generate component <name> [options]
ng g service <myserviceNAME>
e.g. ng g service app/model/productservice/product
ng g service model/productService/product {USE THIS NOT ABOVE}
Create file & class to export <product.ts>
In a file create data/import from server/local storage <products-list.ts>
Start writing service actionnn code :P <product.service.ts>
edit routing ts file
add like href ->>>>
routerLink="/cart" routerLinkActive="active"
after setting routes, start creating view for every route in COMPONENT
add PROVIDERS in ts file of each COMPONENT
ng generate pipe
ng generate component product/product-list
ng generate component product/product-detail
npm i ng2-search-filter --save
yarn add ng2-search-filter
then in app.module.ts
import { Ng2SearchPipeModule } from 'ng2-search-filter';
imports: [.. , Ng2SearchPipeModule],
in TS file ->
import { SearchproductPipe } from 'src/app/filters/searchproduct.pipe';
in HTML file ->