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Stack Exchange Data Analysis

by Rajesh Kumar Reddy Kummetha, DCU Student Number: 20211568

In this project we are going perform some computing tasks on the data extracted from Stack Exchange website which is a questions & answers platform of any kind. In this project PuTTY software is used as an SSH client of Google Cloud Platform's virtual machine instance.

The tasks we are going to perform are:

  1. Get data from Stack Exchange
  2. Load them with PIG
  3. Query them with Hive
  4. Calculate TF-IDF with Hive

1. Get data from Stack Exchange

We have to extract the data based on the view count of the posts. And also we can only download up to 50000 records at a time. So, we have to run the query several times to get required 200000 records. We can extract the data from the website using below quries. We have to find the range of viewcount to get exactly 50000 records by executing the query multiple times.

So, the query for the first set of 50000 records goes like:

select * from posts where viewcount >= 111930

Similarly queries for 2nd, 3rd and 4th set of data will be the following respectively.

select * from posts where viewcount < 111930 and viewcount >= 65887
select * from posts where viewcount < 65887 and viewcount >= 47039
select * from posts where viewcount < 47039 and viewcount >= 36590

The same queries are mentioned in the data_fetch.sql file in the project.

Cleaning the data using R language:

As the raw data is not ready for analysis, we have to remove comma(,), \n, \r, \t from body, title, tags columns as they make the data messy and complex to perform analysis. After cleaning the data all 4 datasets are merged. The R script to perform cleaning & merging is:

#import dplyr package to modify the columns

#read all 4 datasets filenames we downloaded from stackexchange
stack_exchange_files <- list.files(pattern = 'stack_.*csv')

#read the data present in those 4 datasets
stack_exchange_data <- lapply(stack_exchange_files,read.csv)

#remove commas(,) in body and title columns
stack_exchange_data <- lapply(stack_exchange_data,function (x) mutate(x,Body=gsub(","," ",Body),Title=gsub(","," ",Title)))

#remove html tags from body and title columns
stack_exchange_data <- lapply(stack_exchange_data,function (x) mutate(x,Body=gsub("<.*?>"," ",Body),Title=gsub("<.*?>"," ",Title)))

#remove \t \r \n from body and title columns
stack_exchange_data <- lapply(stack_exchange_data,function (x) mutate(x,Body=gsub("\\t*\\r*\\n*\\s+"," ",Body),Title=gsub("\\t*\\r*\\n*\\s+"," ",Title)))

#finally merge all 4 datasets and export to csv format

The final exported file consisting total stack exchange data is uploaded to Google Cloud Platform for analysis. The stack_exchange_final.csv file is copied to HDFS using the below command.

hdfs dfs -put /input/stack_exchange_final.csv /home/rajesh.kumar.reddy.kummetha/stack_exchange_final.csv

2. Load them with PIG

Now, as the file is ready, we can load the data to PIG using the below script. We used default piggybank.jar which contains CSVExcelStorage() function to load the csv file into PIG.

register '/usr/lib/pig/piggybank.jar';
define CSVExcelStorage;

-- Read full data set from hdfs
raw_data = load '/input/stack_exchange_final.csv' using CSVExcelStorage(',', 'YES_MULTILINE','NOCHANGE','SKIP_INPUT_HEADER') AS (Id:int, PostTypeId:int,  AcceptedAnswerId:int, ParentId:int, CreationDate:chararray, DeletionDate:chararray, Score:int, ViewCount:int, Body:chararray, OwnerUserId:int, OwnerDisplayName:chararray, LastEditorUserId:int, LastEditorDisplayName:chararray, LastEditDate:chararray, LastActivityDate:chararray, Title:chararray, Tags:chararray, AnswerCount:int, CommentCount:int, FavoriteCount:int, ClosedDate:chararray, CommunityOwnedDate:chararray, ContentLicense:chararray);

-- avoid unnecessary columns and also remove commas(,) from body, title and tags columns
required_data = foreach raw_data generate  Id as Id, Score as Score, REPLACE(Body,',*','') as Body, OwnerUserId as OwnerUserId, REPLACE(Title,',*','') as Title, REPLACE(Tags,',*','') as Tags;

-- Remove the columns containing null as we may get null owneruserid if we execute in hive.
cleaned_data = filter required_data by (OwnerUserId is not null) and (Score is not null);

-- store cleaned_data to HDFS
store cleaned_data into '/output/cleaned_data' using CSVExcelStorage(',');

After the execution of this script, the data is stored into HDFS. This script is included in the pig_script.pig file in the project. The above script is executed using the below command.

pig -x mapreduce pig_script.pig

Pig execution gives the output as shown in the below picture. Read successfully 200001 and wrote 194862 records as we removed null values from OwnerUserId column.

PIG Output image

3. Query them with Hive

We have to enter into the hive query execution environment in order to execute any query using the below command.

sudo hive

After that the data which is present in the HDFS is loaded into the hive table data and found answers for several questions using below queries.

-- create new table
create table data (Id int, Score int, Body String, OwnerUserId Int, Title String, Tags String) row format delimited FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',';

-- load the data into data table from hdfs which was written by pig
load data inpath '/output/cleaned_data/' into table data;

-- Question 1: The top 10 posts by score
select id, title, score from data order by score desc limit 10;

-- Question 2: The top 10 users by post score
select owneruserid, sum(score) as OverallScore from data group by OwnerUserId order by OverallScore desc limit 10;

-- Question 3: The number of distinct users, who used the word "hadoop" in one of their posts
select count (distinct owneruserid) from data where (lower(body) like '%hadoop%' or lower(title) like '%hadoop%' or lower(tags) like '%hadoop%');

The queries performed are included in the hive_queries.hql file in the project. Execution picture for Question 1 is displayed below. However, pictures for other questions can be found in screenshots directory of this project.

Hive question 1 image

4 Calculate TF-IDF with Hive

TF-IDF (term frequency–inverse document frequency) is a numerical statistic that is intended to reflect how important a word is to a document in a collection (source: Wikipedia tf-idf). We used hivemall in order to compute TF-IDF per-user. The documentation for hivemall can be found at TF-IDF Term Weighting Hivemall User Manual and TFIDF Calculation. The information how to include hivemall in hive can be found at Hivemall Installation. And a part of the query is taken from stackoverflow site which does the trick of giving rank to the frequency value. Below hivemall queries are executed to perform TF-IDF.

-- Question 4: Using Hive calculate the per-user TF-IDF (just submit the top 10 terms for each of the top 10 users from Question 2)

add jar /home/rajesh.kumar.reddy.kummetha/hivemall-core-0.4.2-rc.2-with-dependencies.jar;
source /home/rajesh.kumar.reddy.kummetha/define-all.hive;

create temporary macro max2(x INT, y INT) if(x>y,x,y);

create temporary macro tfidf(tf FLOAT, df_t INT, n_docs INT) tf * (log(10, CAST(n_docs as FLOAT)/max2(1,df_t)) + 1.0);

create table topUsers as select owneruserid, sum(score) as OverallScore from data group by OwnerUserId order by OverallScore desc limit 10;

create table topUsers1 as select d.OwnerUserID,title from data d join topUsers t on  d.OwnerUserID = t.OwnerUserID;

create or replace view topUsersExplode as select ownerUserId, eachword from topUsers1 LATERAL VIEW explode(tokenize(Title, True)) t as eachword where not is_stopword(eachword);

create or replace view tf_temp as select ownerUserid, eachword, freq from (select ownerUserId, tf(eachword) as word2freq from topUsersExplode group by ownerUserId) t LATERAL VIEW explode(word2freq) t2 as eachword, freq;

create or replace view tf as select * from (select ownerUserId, eachword, freq, rank() over (partition by ownerUserId order by freq desc) as rank from tf_temp ) t where rank < 10;

select owneruserid,eachword,freq from tf;

The above queries are included in the tfidf.hql file in the project. The picture of output of TF-IDF is shown below. And other TF-IDF related pictures can be found in screenshots directory of this project.

TF-IDF output image

All screenshots of above all code executions are included in the screenshots folder in the project.


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