If you haven't yet set up a Kubernetes cluster, refer to the links below for instructions:
- Enable Kubernetes on Docker-Desktop
- Install Minikube for local setup
- Set up a Kubernetes Cluster using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)
Make sure to run Minikube with enough resources:
minikube start --vm=true --cpus=2 --memory=4g --disk-size=30g --driver=docker
Create a Working Directory
Create a directory for the Pinot proof of concept (POC) where you’ll save schema, config, and other required files for running Pinot and the benchmarking POC.
Start Pinot with Helm
Add the Pinot Helm repository and create the necessary namespace:
helm repo add pinot https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/pinot/master/helm
kubectl create ns pinot-benchmark
Install Pinot using Helm:
helm install pinot pinot/pinot \
-n pinot-benchmark \
--set cluster.name=pinot \
--set server.replicaCount=1 \
--set controller.replicaCount=1 \
--set broker.replicaCount=1 \
--set minion.enabled=false
If this command throws an error regarding the pinot-benchmark namespace, create a file named pinot-startup-fix.yaml with the following content:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: pinot-benchmark
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: "Helm"
meta.helm.sh/release-name: "pinot"
meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: "pinot-benchmark"
Apply the fix:
kubectl apply -f pinot-startup-fix.yaml
Then run the Helm installation command again.
Check the running Pinot pods:
kubectl get pods -n pinot-benchmark
Port-forward the Pinot controller to access the UI:
kubectl port-forward service/pinot-controller 9000:9000 -n pinot-benchmark
You can now access the Pinot UI at http://localhost:9000/
Create Schema and Table Configuration
- Create a schema file table-schema-shipment.json. You can copy a sample schema from the GitHub repository
- Create a table configuration file table-Config-shipment.json. You can also find a sample table configuration in the GitHub repository
Upload Files to Pinot Cluster
Copy the schema and table configuration files to the running Pinot cluster’s pod:
kubectl cp ./table-schema-shipments.json pinot-controller-0:/opt/pinot/data/table-schema-shipments.json -n pinot-benchmark
kubectl cp ./tableConfig-shipments.json pinot-controller-0:/opt/pinot/data/tableConfig-shipments.json -n pinot-benchmark
Add the Table
Access the Pinot controller pod:
kubectl exec -it pinot-controller-0 -n pinot-benchmark -- /bin/bash
Run the following command to add the table to Pinot:
/opt/pinot/bin/pinot-admin.sh AddTable \
-schemaFile /opt/pinot/data/table-schema-shipments.json \
-tableConfigFile /opt/pinot/data/tableConfig-shipments.json \
The table will be added to the Pinot cluster. You can view the table content in the Pinot query editor by selecting the table name.
Below is an example screenshot of the Pinot query editor showing the added table: