Use your favorite package manager (npm/yarn) to install the dependencies.
Run npm run storyboard
to see some of the components in action (some environment variables might be needed – read below).
Create and edit a valid .env
file by doing cp .env.sample .env
. Start your local MongoDB server or setup a remote one in the said .env
file. Run npm run seed
and wait for the mock data to be imported. Congratulations, you're all set! You can even login with these credentials [email protected]
/ demodemo
when needed.
Now run npm run start:dev
and create something nice. PRs are welcome.
- Fetch data with a Mongo
type of query - Attach Next.js v9 to Express
- Add Material-UI grid, themes, raw components
- Create an import seed script
- Convert Classes to Functions (Context API, useHooks)
- Add i18n/l10n (using Context API)
- Add Storybook and start sketching components
- Sessions, JWT (withApollo HOC)
- Fully fledged User Auth system (
cookies) - Lazy-load HOC for images (blur or opacity effect)
- Option to use either Google Maps, Open Street Map or Mapbox
- Fuzzy-Search on MongoDB (include tags)
- News section (add to the seed file)
- Send 404 if not found: Gig, News, Profile (do a fetch inside
) - Dynamic
using Helmet - Create a Category Page (linked from a gig page)
- Make components more accessible (storybook-a11y)
- Cache GraphQL requests
- Create a dark-skin theme (stored in the cookies, remember to invert the map color with CSS and use
@media (prefers-color-scheme
) - Move the backend to KeystoneJS or Stripe
- News content need an image placeholder (that takes and id an a column size)
- Send a newsletter using mongoose's
hook - Use
- Add user roles (edit the seed file)
- Protect GraphQL mutations (Authorization and rate-limit)
- Animations using React Spring or similar of page elements
- Create a Rating Collection and methods (add to the seed file)
- Option to flag Gigs (mutate to a Collection)
- Cluster near markers
- (Route) New Gig (use Formik and yup, protected route, Stripe API)
- (Route) My Profile (with edit option) (protected route)
- (Route) View any user's profile (linked from a gig page)
- Payment System (Stripe API or Adyen)
- Rewrite the GraphQLInputObjectType schemas (make them more readable)
- Image Upload to cloud storage (Cloudinary API)
- Prettier Mongoose errors (w/ l10n)
- Login with social-media (at least Facebook Strategy)
- Mailing System (Sparkpost or Mailgun API)
- Audit everything with Lighthouse and wrap with
<NoSsr />
when needed - Generate a sitemap.xml
- Use propTypes everywhere with default props
- Use some of these
- Write some Jest/Enzyme tests
- Try to lazy load your modules
- Pre-commit eslint (use husky)
- Write a better
(example) - Fix minZoom for React Google Maps (issue)
- Use
reactStrictMode: true
documented here - Store the Static Map PNGs rather than asking Google API everytime
- Checkout the new
<Suspense />
from react-experimental
npm i @welldone-software/why-did-you-render -SE
npm i next-seo -SE
npm i next-nookies-persist -SE
npm i next-session -SE
npm i next-offline -SE
npm i next-nprogress -SE
npm i next-ga -SE
npm i next-page-transitions -SE
npm i next-optimized-images -SE
npm i next-i18next -SE
(at least the SSR) -
npm i i18nh -SE
npm i data-prefetch-link -SE
(at least the SSR) -
npm i graphql-rate-limit -SE
npm i reto -SE
(create a global store) -
npm i react-hook-form -SE
npm i formik -SE
npm i yup -SE
npm i nodemailer nextmail -SE
npm i notistack -SE
npm i react-styleguidist -DE
npm i firebase -SE
(at least for user authentication)