This script downloads MUTCD-related signage SVGs from Wikipedia and includes a JSON-formatted mapping of common sign names to filenames.
The following Python libraries are required by the script:
A simple pip install lxml wikipedia pyquery
should take care of these
requirements, though you may need some dev libraries and building tools to
compile lxml
. You may have luck finding a pre-built binary here.
The most basic example is
which will retrieve all the SVGs into the working directory. The full usage list of options is as follows:
--title The title of the Wikipedia entry containing the
tables of MUTCD-inspired signs.
--tables The headers of the tables whose signs you wish to
--column The identifier representing the column you wish to
pull from each table (e.g. 5, or "USA").
--output_folder The path to the folder into which the signage and
common names file should be downloaded.
The filename for the JSON-formatted file mapping
common sign names to SVG file names.
The --tables
option takes a comma-separated list of table headers. SVGs will
only be pulled from these tables. The default list of table headers is
Warning,Regulatory,Mandatory or permitted actions,Other (indication)
It is expected to be an integer (representing a 0-indexed column number) or
a string (representing the starting text of a column header). The default for
is 'USA', such that only USA signage SVGs will be downloaded.
only takes a single argument.
Well, I needed some MUTCD signage SVGs. So, that's why.
This software is licensed with the MIT license. Knock yourself out.