This repository contains codes for the paper titled "Linear Neural Network as a Fast Solver for Dictionary Learning".
Requirements: Anaconda with Python 3.8, MATLAB 2022
Follow these instructions to run the codes:
- Clone this respository.
- Download the MATLAB toolboxes for K-SVD and OMP within the directory containing the downloaded codes. Compile the MATLAB toolboxes following the instructions available within them. (Source)
- Move the codes within the folder "matlab_codes" to the folder of ksvd toolbox (ksvdbox13).
- Create a conda environment using requirements.txt
Codes for three experiments in the paper are provided in three numbered directories. Run them in the following order from within the FastSolver_DictL directory:
Create data triplets
python -m 1_uniqueness.1_1_create_data_triplets
Perturb the dictionaries and compute sparse codes
python -m 1_uniqueness.1_2_perturbation
Create data triplets Run generate_synthetic_dataset.m using MATLAB BL1: Online dictionary learning
python -m 2_convergence.2_1_odl
python -m 2_convergence.2_2_ksvd
Proposed FastSolver
python -m 2_convergence.2_3_fastsolver
Create noisy data Run generate_noisy_data.m using MATLAB Learn dictionary using BL1: K-SVD
python -m 3_denoising.3_1_dictl_denoising_ksvd
Learn dictionary using proposed FastSolver
python -m 3_denoising.3_2_dictl_denoising_fastsolver
Denoise image using learnt dictionay Run image_denoise.m using MATLAB