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C01. Daemon | How to run a Qwertycoin Masternode

nnian edited this page Nov 16, 2019 · 18 revisions

How to run a Qwertycoin "Masternode"

Table of contents

  1. Create a Linux Masternode
  2. Create a Windows Masternode
  3. Create a macOS Masternode

Create linux service to start Qwertycoind

On this page you will find description how to run Qwertycoind with JSON PRC as linux service. I use Ubuntu server 16.03 x64, but this description you can be applied to any of the linux versions with small changes.

  1. Compile the latest Version from Sourcecode

Use this compilation guides:
For example under Ubuntu:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd ./qwertycoin
mkdir ./build
cd ./build
cmake --build . --config Release
  1. Copy all the compiled files in ./build/src/ to directory /opt/qwertycoin/:
sudo mkdir -p /opt/qwertycoin/.Qwertycoin
sudo cp ./src/* /opt/qwertycoin/
  1. To start service we will use user qwertycoin, so let's create it and manage permissions:
sudo useradd qwertycoin
sudo groupadd qwertycoin
sudo usermod -a -G qwertycoin qwertycoin
sudo chgrp -R qwertycoin /opt/qwertycoin/
sudo chmod -R 770 /opt/qwertycoin/
  1. Create log file and add permissions to write it:
sudo mkdir -p /var/log/qwertycoin
sudo touch /var/log/qwertycoin/qwertycoind
sudo chgrp -R qwertycoin /var/log/qwertycoin/qwertycoind
sudo chmod -R 770 /var/log/qwertycoin/qwertycoind
  1. Let's check if everything is ok. Try to run daemon with qwertycoin user permission:
sudo -u qwertycoin /opt/qwertycoin/qwertycoind --data-dir=/opt/qwertycoin/.Qwertycoin --log-file=/var/log/qwertycoin/qwertycoind --restricted-rpc --enable-cors=*  --enable-blockchain-indexes --rpc-bind-ip= --rpc-bind-port=8197 --fee-address=QWC1L4aAh5i7cbB813RQpsKP6pHXT2ymrbQCwQnQ3DC4QiyuhBUZw8dhAaFp8wH1Do6J9Lmim6ePv1SYFYs97yNV2xvSbTGc7s

Stop it via entering exit inside daemon session.

  1. You could pre-download blockchain bootstrap to speed-up process:
cd /opt/qwertycoin/.Qwertycoin
wget$(date "+%Y-%m-%d").tar.gz
tar -xvzf snapshot_$(date "+%Y-%m-%d").tar.gz
rm -f snapshot_$(date "+%Y-%m-%d").tar.gz
sudo chgrp -R qwertycoin /opt/qwertycoin/
sudo chmod -R 770 /opt/qwertycoin/
  1. To start Qwertycoind , we need to create service file in /etc/systemd/system:
nano /etc/systemd/system/qwertycoind.service

ExecStart=/opt/qwertycoin/qwertycoind --data-dir=/opt/qwertycoin/.Qwertycoin  \
	--log-file=/var/log/qwertycoin/qwertycoind \
	--restricted-rpc \
	--enable-cors=* \
	--enable-blockchain-indexes \
	--rpc-bind-ip= \
	--rpc-bind-port=8197 \
	--fee-address=QWC1L4aAh5i7cbB813RQpsKP6pHXT2ymrbQCwQnQ3DC4QiyuhBUZw8dhAaFp8wH1Do6J9Lmim6ePv1SYFYs97yNV2xvSbTGc7s \
	--contact [email protected]


Do not forget to change address to your wallet!

  1. Run service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable qwertycoind.service
sudo systemctl start qwertycoind.service
  1. To check service status:
systemctl status qwertycoind.service
● qwertycoind.service - Qwertycoind
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/qwertycoind.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sat 2018-06-08 04:11:30 EDT; 37s ago
 Main PID: 1882 (Qwertycoind)
   CGroup: /system.slice/qwertycoind.service
           └─1882 /opt/qwertycoin/qwertycoind --data-dir=/opt/qwertycoin/.Qwertycoin 
lines 1-7/7 (END)

Create a Masternode on Windows using qwertycoind.exe

On this page you will find description how to run Qwertycoind I use Windowx x64 Enterprise, but this description you can be applied to any Windows Version (> Windows 7).

  1. Compile the latest Version from Sourcecode OR! download a prebuilt Release from here:

Use this compilation guides:

For example under Windows:

git clone
cd qwertycoin
md build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DBUILD_ALL:BOOL=TRUE ..
cmake --build . --config Release

If you use a prebuilt Version, download it, install it and forward to Step 3

  1. Self compiled Versions: If all went well, it will complete successfully, and you will find all your binaries in the .\build\src\Release directory

Open a CMD on Windows and navigate to this folder. For example: (the folder structure could be different.)

cd C:\Github\qwertycoin\build\src\Release

  1. Prebuilt Versions:

After installation you will find the binaries in:

C:\Program Files\qwertycoin\bin

  1. Start the Masternode in a CMD

Copy and paste the following (that's one single line!):

qwertycoind.exe --restricted-rpc --enable-cors=* --enable-blockchain-indexes --rpc-bind-ip= --rpc-bind-port=8197 --fee-address=QWC1L4aAh5i7cbB813RQpsKP6pHXT2ymrbQCwQnQ3DC4QiyuhBUZw8dhAaFp8wH1Do6J9Lmim6ePv1SYFYs97yNV2xvSbTGc7s

If you want you can replace the developers fee address with your own QWC Wallet address (Not necessary)

  1. Done
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