A command line application to make discord.js easier!
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molecube is a simple Command Line Application written in NodeJS. It helps you generate discord.js bots. Again, this is a discord bot generator, not a bot itself. Its configuration is saved in molecube.json.
molecube offers you:
- Creating a project in discord.js
- A command handler
- A event handler
- Easly generate events with its documentation links
- Easly generate commands
- Conection to a database
- Simplicity
Full Changelog: https://github.com/raining-codes/molecube/commits/Release
Installing molecube is pretty easy and straightforward.
yarn global add molecube
npm install -g molecube
To make a new discord bot using molecube, open terminal in your preffered location and type molecube new
. This will ask you a couple of questions, These questions are:
- Bot name
- Your preffered language
- Your package manager
- Your bots token
- Your MongoDB Database URI (If you don't have a database just skip this)
After you've answered these questions, molecube will create a new folder and create a simple ping slash command.
To add your own custom commands and events, you need to follow these instructions.
- Open terminal in a molecube project directory.
- Run
molecube gen
, this will ask you to generate a event or command. - Select your option and press enter.
If you selected event, theres gonna be list of all events and you can create multiple events at once. Your generated event files are gonna be located in src/events.
If you selected command, it will ask for command name and description. Command file will be located in src/commands
For more examples, please refer to the Documentation
Distributed under the MIT License.
Your Name - George Tskitishvili
Project Link: https://github.com/raining-codes/molecube