This project is part of the 2018 workshop series for the QUT Robotics club. It is based on the unit called Introduction to Robotics which is a subject focussed on the control of a Robotic arm and the application of computer vision processes. For half the project, the focus was on developing our own brand of robotic arms (Armageddon) with a position-based inverse kinematics controller that made the toolpoint of the robot follow a trajectory given by keyboard presses. The second half expanded the work towards an autonomous picking system where the robot uses a camera to see a ball, given some reference points to its frame of reference, and plan a trajectory to pick up the ball and place it into a box. There is also additional code to teleoperate the arm using a USB gamepad.
This project is based on using the robotic arms designed by the club which involve components:
- Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with a NOOBS sd card
- Raspberry Pi Camera
- Power adapter for the Raspberry Pi
- Sparkfun Raspberry Pi Servo hat
- Hobby King servos
- Laser cut parts developed by the club which is on this Github a more comprehensive parts list is in this Github as well.
The Raspberry Pi project requires a few installations
- Getch is for capturing keyboard presses:
- smbus for the i2c communication to the servo hat:
- An old version of opencv that can be installed easily and quickly
- Optional installation with matlibplot
- Note: you will need to enable i2c and the camera in pi configurations
Installations for the Kinematics Half of the Project:
sudo apt-get install getch
sudo apt-get install smbus
Installations for the Computer Vision half of the project:
sudo apt-get install python opencv
sudo apt-get install python matlibplot
USB Gamepad Teleoperation installation:
sudo pip install evdev
Robot Arm Calibration Test: In Robot Arm control Workshops, you can test the calibration of the servos to see if they are accurate
Computer Vision Threshold Test: In Computer_vision_Workshops, you can run a script to see the thresholding
In Gamepad demo Test: Use the first line of code to determine which event the gamepad is (event3 by default)
ls /dev/input
This Github holds the following:
- Laser cut file (CorelDraw) of the Robot Arm
- Parts List for Constructing the Robot Arm
- MATLAB simulation of the inverse Kinematics provided with Andrew's Kinematics functions Run the file RobotArmSimulator.m
- Workshop Slides with Theory explained in them
- Python scripts of the Workshop tasks
- Python scripts of the Final Demo Scripts
In the Terminal, you can run these commands to run the demos:
The Robot Arm Teleoperation Script in Python 3 In Teleoperation_Demo_Python3:
The Robotic Vision Autonomous Picking Script in Python 2 In VisionArm_Demo_Python2:
USB Gamepad teleoperation demo of Robot arm in Python 2
- Andrew Razjigaev - President of the QUT Robotics Club 2018
- Student Clubs and Projects (SCAP) Fund 2018
- Krishan Rana - For his Development of the gripper and Laser cut pieces for the joints.
- Marty - For his assistance with running the Computer Vision task