This is NOT my work. I just branched it to submit tiny link-fixes.
However, the original author ("Aaron") seems to have deleted their Github-account, hence I have the only copy of this entire code repository
Github's Ui has buried the "origin" of it being a fork... (It's clearly visible in the repo history)
[Today I learned! We should trim unused branches, otherwise we might inherit them! Now I either have to preserve it all forever on their/world's behalf, or delete it from reality...Ugh.]
Original content by "Aaron" is below:
Noita Map Viewer is a fast, fully-responsive, OpenSeadragon-based map viewer for the videogame Noita. It offers a viewing experience that is on par with, if not superior to the one that is offered by EasyZoom. A demo of this viewer is available here.
- I'm a self-hosting enthusiast, which means that I don't like to be at the mercy of third-party services like EasyZoom when I have the option to host a similar service myself.
- Updating the map on EasyZoom after a Noita update takes hours every time because you have to recreate the map markers.
- EasyZoom's viewer is quite slow compared to OpenSeadragon+IIIFv3, possibly because they use a server application like Cantaloupe or IIPImage Server to extract image tiles from a PNG/TIFF file on-the-fly.
- You can't use EasyZoom's map viewer without an Internet connection.
Yes! The viewer is a static HTML page, so you can simply drop the files in your webserver's root directory and start using it.
If you see anything on the map that should be marked but isn't, that has an incorrect description or could simply use a better description, feel free to open an issue or a pull request with the required details (map coordinates, description, etc.).
A big shout out goes to veediagaems for creating the markers that I adapted from his EasyZoom map.
All content was written by "Aaron". See note at top.