Generic role to restart a web application. It then waits for the port, and test a page.
This role requires Ansible 1.4 or higher, and platform requirements are listed in the metadata file.
The variables that can be passed to this role and a brief description about them are as follows.
# service to restart
service_name: httpd
# process name to wait
# if kill_process=true, will kill all the processes
kill_process: false
# check the process recursively till it die or the task has been retried for 12 times with a delay of 5 seconds
process_retries: 12
process_delay: 5
# which port to check
service_port: 80
# how long to wait for service_port to be up
service_port_timeout: 60
# which page to check, pass blank to homepage if no checking is required.
homepage: http://localhost:{{service_port}}
# check the homepage recursively till it return status 200 or the task has been retried for 12 times with a delay of 5 seconds
homepage_retries: 12
homepage_delay: 5
Restart the default web application (httpd):
- hosts: servers
- quekky.restart-webapplication
Restart the tomcat, which is running on port 8080, then test the page http://localhost:8080/test.jsp:
- hosts: servers
- role: quekky.restart-webapplication
service_name: tomcat8
service_port: 8080
homepage: http://localhost:8080/test.jsp