- Code snippets for .vue files with pug template.
- Transform html to pug or pug to html.
- Format pug document or format pug selection.
- Autocomplete.
- Pug/Jade
- Vue
- Create a selection.
- Press
orCtrl + Shift + P
. - Run the command named
Html to Pug
orPug to Html
to transform.
- Open a pug/jade/vue file.
- Press
Ctrl + Shift + P
- Enter
Format Pug
Vue Events
Create Elements
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Description: Indent with Tabs, if false, with spaces.
Type: Number
Default: 2
Description: The number of spaces to indent generated files with. Default is 2 spaces. When `fillTab` is false, fill `tabSize` spaces.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Description: Use double quotes for attributes.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Description: Omit div tag when it has id or class.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Description: Omit attribute separating commas.
- Must undo twice after transform code if you want to recover your code.