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A Beat Saber plugin for PC that allows you to sync up videos to play in the background of your maps.


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A Beat Saber plugin that allows you to sync up videos to play in the background of your maps, heavily inspired by MusicVideoPlayer. This plugin is currently only available for the PC version, there is no Quest release.

How to use

1. Installation

The simplest way to install Cinema is to download it from ModAssistant.

If you want to install Cinema manually, download the latest release from here and simply unzip all of it's contents into the Beat Saber folder. Make sure you don't skip the files in the Libs folder, as those are required, too.

Additionally, the following plugins are required for Cinema to work:

  • BeatSaberMarkupLanguage
  • BS Utils
  • SongCore

2. Download Preconfigured Maps (optional)

The plugin includes about 100 video configurations for custom maps for you to try, as well as a few configs for DLC and OST songs. Here are some examples:

The mod comes with a playlist of over 100 preconfigured maps, ready to play with a video. You can use a mod like PlaylistManager to access it in game.

To find a complete list of all maps that have a video ready to go, visit

Please note that you yourself can add a video to any map you like.

3. Downloading Videos

Select a song in-game, look to your left to the panel labeled "Gameplay Setup" and press on the tab "Mods" and then on "Cinema", which should look like this:

Video Menu Screenshot

Click download in the center of the menu and wait for the download to complete, then simply play the map. If the download takes too long for you, you can lower the video quality from the settings on the left side of the main menu.

You can of course add videos to any song you like, even if they are not preconfigured. The menu will in that case show you a button labeled "Search", which will lead you to the search results from YouTube. After you choose a video, you will have to adjust the video offset. To do so, simply click the "Preview" button to play the video, and use the "+" or "-" buttons to adjust the offset until the sound from both ears lines up. Sound from the video will play in your left ear, the map in your right ear. If the sound from the left ear is behind, use the "+" buttons, otherwise the "-" buttons. If you have trouble hearing which one is ahead, try stopping and restarting the preview and listen to which one starts earlier. The sync doesn't have to be exactly perfect though, in most cases you won't notice a slight error in either direction when playing the map.

Info for Mappers

This section is intended for mappers

If you want to add a video to your map, you can simply set it up in the game from the WIP maps section. Refer to the section Downloading Videos for details on how to do that. The video configuration will be stored in the same folder as the map itself, in a file called cinema-video.json. You can include the json file in the zip file you upload to BeatSaver. Please do not include the actual video file, the users will download that themselves from YouTube.

If you include a video config, please add "Cinema" as a suggestion in your map editor, same as you would do with Chroma. Don't set Cinema as a requirement though, since your map should always be playable without it.

You do not need to pay much attention to the environment your map uses. Cinema modifies some of the built-in environments (Big Mirror, Origins, KDA, Rocket, BTS, Dragons, Dragons2, Linkin Park, Kaleidoscope, Monstercat, Skrillex, Pyro/FOB, Weave, Lizzo) to make the video screen fit in seamlessly. If your chosen environment is not in this list of environments supported by Cinema, the mod will automatically load Big Mirror, which is one of the best looking ones with the video screen.

If you have any questions, please contact me on Discord (Dakari#0638).

JSON Format

This section is intended for mappers

Editing the json file by hand allows you to modify some settings that are not available in-game, for example to create a custom screen placement. Doing so is completely optional however, the default settings should give a good experience in most cases.

Cinema includes the ability to change any object in the game scene, to better fit the video screen in environments that are currently not supported by Cinema. When editing the json file by hand, consider using a json validator to check for errors afterwards.

The mod implements hot reloading the config file, so changes to the video config take effect immediately upon saving the file. This even applies while you are playing the map you are editing.

The following tables list the currently available configuration options:

Basic settings

These basic settings get set automatically when you add a video to your map.

Property Data Type Default Description
videoID string none The YouTube video ID from the part after the &v= in the URL, e.g.:
videoUrl string none Use this parameter instead of videoID if you want to use a video hoster other than YouTube. Provide the full video URL for this parameter. Currently supported are the following video sources: YouTube, Facebook, Dailymotion, Vimeo.
title string Untitled Video The title of the video. Will be shown to the user.
author string Unknown Author The name of the video's uploader. Will be shown to the user.
videoFile string none Name of the video file on the local file system. Path is not included, the file is assumed to be in the map's folder. Will be set automatically after downloading and set to the title of the video, with illegal characters replaced by _.
duration int 0 Video duration in seconds. Will be shown to the user, but has no other function than that.
offset int 0 The offset in milliseconds to align the video with the map. Use the video menu in-game to determine the offset.
configByMapper bool false Used to indicate whether the config was created by the mapper (as opposed to by the user). Changes the UI in various small ways.

Advanced settings

Optional settings which you can set to fine tune the form and function of the video player. Please note that modifying screenHeight, screenPosition and/or using environment modifications makes the config specific to the environment that was selected by the mapper, since overriding the default means it can no longer be guaranteed that all supported environments look correctly.

Property Data Type Default Description
environmentName string none The environment that is supposed to be loaded. This allows you to force a specific environment that is only used if the user has Cinema installed and the video downloaded. This also disables the user's choice in the Override Environment setting of the base game, so please only use it if you have a good reason to do so. The internal names of all the environments are listed as Info.dat Name here.
playbackSpeed float 1.0 Allows you to adjust the playback speed of the video.
loop bool false Whether the video should loop if it ends before the map does.
endVideoAt float none This parameter allows you to let a video end early (e.g. to hide sponsor segments, credits, logos etc.). The time references the video time, not the map time. The video will start fading out one second before this time is reached. Value is in seconds (e.g.: 296.5 would be 4 minutes and 56.5 seconds)
screenPosition Vector3 {"x": 0.0,"y": 12.4,"z": 67.8} This setting can be used to create a custom positioning of the video player. x is the deviation from the center, y is up/down and z controls the distance. y should usually be about half of the video height minus 0.1 if you want the video to be above the track.
This setting prevents the user from overriding the environment.
screenRotation Vector3 {"x": -8.0,"y": 0.0,"z": 0.0} Rotates the video screen. By default, it tilts down by 8 degrees for better visibility.
screenHeight float 25.0 Determines the size of the screen. There is no setting for the width, since that is calculated automatically by the height and the aspect ratio of the video. If you change the height, you might want to also change the y positioning of the screen so it doesn't float above the ground.
This setting prevents the user from overriding the environment.
screenCurvature float automatic Use this setting to force a specific curvature of the screen. The allowed range of values is 0-180 (degrees). Setting this to 0 forces curvature to be disabled. If this parameter is not included and the user has curvature enabled, the curvature is calculated automatically based on the distance and the width of the screen.
screenSubsurfaces int 32 This allows you to specify how many sub-surfaces the curved screen uses, which lets you control the smoothness of the curvature. Valid range is 1 to 256. The default of 32 looks great in most cases and doesn't cost much performance.
allowCustomPlatform bool false (user's choice) When set to false, will prevent the CustomPlatforms mod from loading a custom platform for this map if the video is playing. Can be used to override the user setting if the user set it to true for all maps.
disableDefaultModifications bool false If set to true, will disable any environment modifications Cinema does by default for the selected environment. Only use this if you plan on modifying the environment in a different way to make the video player fit in.
forceEnvironmentModifications bool false Set this to true to have your environment modifications applied even if no video is defined or downloaded by the user.
mergePropGroups bool false If this is set to true, all cloned lights will be merged with existing prop groups, based on the specified z-position. Note: This will make lighting using light IDs nearly impossible, if you plan on using that. Also, if your cloned light is placed at a z-position where no pre-existing lights are, a new prop group will be created, which will change the IDs of other prop groups and potentially mess up your lightshow.
transparency bool true (user's choice) Include this in your config if you want to override the user's choice and force transparency to be enabled or disabled. This does not disable the color blending, it only prevents light sources behind the screen from shining through.
bloom float 1.0 (user's choice) Sets the amount of bloom (glow) that appears around the video player during brightly colored parts of the video.

Color correction options

If you want to make slight modifications to how the video looks, you can use these color correction options which get applied at runtime. This should be easier to use than having to make the edits in the video file itself and then re-uploading the edited version to YouTube. These settings are categorized under a top-level property named colorCorrection. See the example below. When adjusting these values, you can make use of the hot reloading capability of Cinema. Simply start the map, pause the game at a frame of the video you want to look differently, and start editing the config to see the results immediately.

Property Data Type Default Description
brightness float 1.0 Valid range: 0 to 2
contrast float 1.0 Valid range: 0 to 5
saturation float 1.0 Valid range: 0 to 5
exposure float 1.0 Valid range: 0 to 5
gamma float 1.0 Valid range: 0 to 5
hue float 0.0 Valid range: -360 to +360 (in degrees)


"colorCorrection": {
  "gamma": 0.95,
  "exposure": 1.15,
  "saturation": 1.2


Using the vignette effect you can change the shape of the video player or soften its edges.

Property Data Type Default Description
type string "rectangular" Either "elliptical" or "rectangular". Changes how the radius and softness parameters behave.
radius float 1.0 Valid range: 0 to 1. If the type is "elliptical", the screen is only really elliptical if the radius is set to 0. Values above that simply round the corners of the screen to varying degrees.
softness float 0.005 Valid range: 0 to 1. Defines the sharpness of the cutout. If you only want to soften the edges, leave the radius at 1 and only slightly increase the softness. By default, videos have a very slight vignette which basically serves as antialiasing for the screen borders.


"vignette": {
  "type": "elliptical",
  "radius": 0.5,
  "softness": 0.1

Additional screens

You can create clones of the "main screen" by using the additionalScreens property. You can place, rotate and scale these screens independently from each other, but all other properties like color correction, vignetting, curvature and, most importantly, the video that is playing, are cloned from the main screen. You can also use Chroma's environment enhancement to duplicate the screen, in that case use the regex lookup CinemaScreen$. Please note: Adding additional screens currently disables the bloom effect on all screens, even the main one. Hot reload support is limited to changing the parameters of existing screens, but to add or remove screens you will need to restart the map.


"additionalScreens": [
      "position": {
        "x": -50.0,
        "y": 12.4,
        "z": 0.0
      "rotation": {
        "x": 0.0,
        "y": 270.0,
        "z": 0.0
      "position": {
        "x": 50.0,
        "y": 12.4,
        "z": 0.0
      "rotation": {
        "x": 0.0,
        "y": 90.0,
        "z": 0.0

This example would create two additional screens to the sides of the player with a distance of 50 units. If you want a screen behind the player, use a rotation of y=180 and a negative z-position.

Modifying the environment

There is an additional property called environment which can be used to alter other objects in the game scene. Using this disables player overrides for the environment, since these modifications are specific to the mapper-chosen environment. The environment parameter is an array that contains EnvironmentModification objects, which currently can have the following parameters:

Property Data Type Example Description
name string "Floor" Specifies the name of the object. The name needs to be an exact match, not a substring. If there are multiple objects with the given name, all of them will be modified.
parentName string "Environment" Specifies the name object's parent in the scene hierarchy. Can be used to differentiate between objects with the same name. Example: KDA has two different objects named "Construction", with the parent's names being "Environment" and "PlayersPlace".
cloneFrom string "Laser" If this is set, a new object will be created (cloned). In this case, the name parameter will set the name of the newly created object, while the cloneFrom parameter will be the object that is cloned.
active bool false Set this to false to hide the object, or to true to show it if it's hidden by default.
position Vector3 {"x": 0.0,"y": 12.4,"z": 100.0} Moves the object to the specified location.
rotation Vector3 {"x": -8.0,"y": 0.0,"z": 0.0} Rotates the object.
scale Vector3 {"x": 2.0,"y": 2.0,"z": 1.0} Scales the object. Default for each axis is usually 1.0. Setting any axis to 0 may cause the object to become invisible.

To find the names of objects you want to modify, you can use this document as a reference. Another option would be to use the RuntimeUnityEditor, which you can find in the pins of BSMG's #pc-mod-dev Discord channel. If you install that, press "G" while your map is playing to be able to browse all objects in the scene. Please note: Changing the active scene (restarting the map, loading a new map or going to the main menu) after the RUE has been opened causes a lot of objects to no longer show up in the RUE until the game is restarted.

Cloning objects

Cinema can be used to clone static objects and lights. Dynamic objects other than lights, like spectrograms or rings, will currently have no function if cloned.

If you clone lights, they will be in the same light group as the light they are cloned from. If you use Chroma, cloned lights will get IDs that are above all of the original light IDs, so the lighting setup in ChroMapper will not be changed. The same goes for prop groups: If you clone multiple lights that are in the same prop group, the cloned objects will be together in a new prop group that has a new ID, without changing prop group IDs of existing lights. This behavior can be changed with the mergePropGroups setting, as explained above.

Hot reloading

Cinema supports hot reloading the config file, to make it easier to find the right values (Example video). Most settings can be changed on-the-fly while the map is playing. There are a few known limitations:

  • Modifying the position/rotation/scale of an object and then removing the modification will not reset the object to its default state
  • You cannot add new cloned objects with a hot reload.
  • You cannot delete cloned objects with a hot reload.
  • If you have multiple cloned objects with the same name, a hot reload might mess up their positioning. To prevent this, use unique names for all cloned objects if you want hot reload to work. Other than that, there should be no issues with having multiple clones with the same name.

The workaround for all of these is to simply restart the map, which will reset the scene and apply your changed config.

Example config

Here is an example config that uses some of the more advanced settings, including colorCorrection and environment modifications:

  "videoID": "_qwnHeMKbVA",
  "title": "Madeon - The Prince (Visual Video)",
  "author": "Chris P",
  "videoFile": "Madeon - The Prince (Visual Video).mp4",
  "duration": 225,
  "offset": -1100,
  "formatVersion": 1,
  "loop": false,
  "screenPosition": {
    "x": 0.0,
    "y": 12.4,
    "z": 100.0
  "disableBigMirrorOverride": true,
  "colorCorrection": {
  	"gamma": 0.9,
  	"saturation": 1.1
  "environment": [
      "name": "RocketArena",
      "active": false
      "name": "RocketGateLight",
      "position": {
        "x": 0.0,
        "y": -3.8,
        "z": 98.0
      "scale": {
        "x": 3.5,
        "y": 1.0,
        "z": 4.8

Playlist support

Cinema supports loading video configs directly from a playlist file. To add video configs to a playlist, edit the playlist in a text editor and copy the contents of the cinema-video.json file into a key called cinema inside of another key called customData in the map that you want to attach the video to. The PlaylistManager wiki has more info on customData properties in playlists. Example:

      "levelAuthorName": "Joetastic",
      "hash": "CCAAD4BBCD7B646C02141ABEE270FA7C1D9D702F",
      "levelid": "custom_level_CCAAD4BBCD7B646C02141ABEE270FA7C1D9D702F",
      "customData": {
        "cinema": {
          "videoID": "EP69zYnelKs",
          "title": "Bakemonogatari  Opening 1 | HD 720p subs",
          "author": "zmigueeee",
          "duration": 81,
          "offset": -4760

Playing local files not found on YouTube

If you want to play videos that are not found on YouTube in a map (a certain ogre comes to mind), you'll have to create a config by hand. You can use the template below and edit the entries, see the section about the JSON format above for reference. Make sure to use a JSON validator afterwards to find errors if there are any.

The Video ID is currently required, but obviously doesn't exist if the video is not found on YouTube. It will be used to display the thumbnail of the video inside the game. You can either leave it empty, in which case the thumbnail will be missing, or you can find a related video on YouTube with a thumbnail that fits your video and enter that video's ID.

The video file will need to be in the folder of the map. For the supported video codecs and file formats, please refer to the Windows Media Foundation documentation:

Supported Media Formats in Media Foundation

H.265 / HEVC Video Decoder - Format constraints

Template for local videos:

  "videoID": "Please read above",
  "title": "Video title goes here",
  "author": "Author goes here",
  "videoFile": "filename.mp4",
  "duration": 0,
  "offset": 0


I can't download any videos. What do I do?

This can have multiple causes.

  1. If you are unsure how to download videos for maps, refer to the instructions here.
  2. If you didn't install Cinema from ModAssistant, make sure you installed youtube-dl and FFmpeg in the Libs folder of Beat Saber. If one or both of these are not found, the mod will show you a message saying that these are missing. If Cinema doesn't show up at all in-game, please make sure you have all dependencies installed.
  3. If Cinema shows up in-game and says nothing about missing libraries, but your downloads still fail, try installing Visual C++ 2010 Redist. This is required by youtube-dl, but can in some cases be missing.
  4. If you still can't download videos, please create an issue here on GitHub or contact me on Discord. Make sure to attach a log file.

I can download videos, but they don't show up.

  1. Check if Cinema is enabled in your Main Menu settings (the Cinema button on the left side)
  2. If you use ReShade, you might have to remove it to use Cinema. It's an incompatibility that I can't do anything about. To uninstall ReShade, delete the file dxgi.dll from your Beat Saber folder.
  3. If you have Cinema enabled, don't use ReShade and are sure that the video is downloaded, but it still doesn't play, please create an issue here on GitHub or contact me on Discord.

I have a custom youtube-dl config (e.g. for proxy usage), but Cinema ignores my config. What gives?

Cinema intentionally ignores any global youtube-dl config you might have created. You still have the ability to configure youtube-dl however, by placing your config file in the UserData folder of Beat Saber and naming the file youtube-dl.conf.


I'd gladly accept pull requests if you want to help out. To set up the development environment, create a file called BeatSaberCinema.csproj.user with the following content, and change the path where your Beat Saber installation is located, if necessary:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="">
    <!-- Change this path if necessary -->
    <BeatSaberDir>C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber</BeatSaberDir>

Special thanks

Special thanks go to:

  • Rolo, for creating MVP and helping me improve the looks of the video screen

  • rie-kumar and b-rad15, for keeping MVP alive across many game updates

  • The youtube-dl (license) and FFmpeg (license) projects, which are used to download and convert the videos for playback in-game

  • JetBrains, for supporting this project by providing a license for their dev tools


A Beat Saber plugin for PC that allows you to sync up videos to play in the background of your maps.







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