This is a brand new calabashCrossPlatform demo
see demohere
- MacOS 10.10 or 10.11 or something like unix
- Xcode 6 or 7
- iOS Devices >= 7.1
- iOS Simulators >= 8.0
- Android SDK
- Android build move your app to this folder
- IOS build see this
- set APP path
export APP=/where/you/place/your/ios/app
to add enviroment parameters for ios APP - modify config/cucumber.yum set APP_BUNDLE_PATH the same ass APP enviroment parameters
├── Gemfile #The gem file for requirement
├── config #config file
│ ├── cucumber.yml #for cross platform to load different ruby file
├── features #saving test case and implement
│ ├── android #androind implement and support package
│ │ ├── pages #android implement for pages of app
│ │ │ ├── xx.rb #class and API for a page
│ │ └── support #android support packages
│ │ ├── app_installation_hooks.rb
│ │ ├── app_life_cycle_hooks.rb
│ │ ├── env.rb
│ │ └── hooks.rb
│ ├── ios #ios implement and support package
│ │ ├── pages #ios implement for pages of app
│ │ │ ├── xxx.rb #class and API for a page
│ │ └── support #support packages
│ │ ├── 01_launch.rb
│ │ ├── 02_pre_stop_hooks.rb
│ │ └── env.rb
│ ├── login.feature #test featueres
│ └── step_definitions #define steps API for both android and ios
│ ├── calabash_steps.rb #load original steps
│ └── my_first_steps.rb #self define step
└── test_servers #saving the apk rebuild by calabash
- ios:
bundle exec cucumber -p ios
- android
calabash-android run xxx.apk -p android