Agent based Modeling of Electricity Systems (AMES V4.0) is a free open-source computational platform (Java/Python) permitting the small-scale study of U.S. ISO-managed wholesale power markets operating over AC transmission grids with congestion handled by locational marginal pricing.
AMES (V4.0) extends AMES (V2.06) in three key ways:
- AMES (V4.0) models a fully operational two-settlement system consisting of an ISO-managed day-ahead market (DAM) settled at DAM LMPs and an ISO-managed real-time market (RTM) settled at RTM LMPs.
- AMES (V4.0) includes an enhanced modeling of ISO-managed DAM Security-Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) that takes into account UC costs such as start-up costs, up-time/down-time constraints, and ramping constraints.
- AMES (V4.0) includes reserve requirements in its DAM SCUC/SCED and RTM SCED optimal power flow formulations.
The Install instructions describes install instructions for different operating systems
The DATA folder contains an example of an 8 Bus 8 Generator test case as an illustrative example of the AMES data format
The Usage describes a list of commonly used settings.
AMES source code can be downloaded from here. The source can also be viewed online here
AMES (V4.0) was developed by Dheepak Krishnamurthy, Sean Mooney, Auswin George, Wanning Li and Leigh Tesfatsion.
D. Krishnamurthy, W. Li and L. Tesfatsion, "An 8-Zone Test System Based on ISO New England Data: Development and Application," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 234-246, Jan. 2016.
H. Li and L. Tesfatsion, "The AMES wholesale power market test bed: A computational laboratory for research, teaching, and training," 2009 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Calgary, AB, 2009, pp. 1-8.