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How to setup easypaisa with django.

1. pip install git+
2. add django_easypaisa in INSTALLED_APPS
3. add django-easypaisa urls to your application's urls file
    url(r'^payments/', include('django_easypaisa.urls', namespace='django_easypaisa'))
4. set parameters settings
    STORE_ID=os.environ.get("STORE_ID",None) ###you will get store id easypaisa's merchant portal.
    PAYMEN_TEMPLATE='index.html' ###set payment confirmation template which will also post data t easypaisa's server for first redirection.
    PAY_TEMPLATE='pay.html' ### set template for second redirection which will post auth_token to easypaisa for second redirection.
    PAYMENT_COMPLETION_REDIRECT_TO_URL='/' # set redirect url.
4.5 export STORE_ID=<your-store-id>
5. Make migrations `python makemigrations` 
6. Run migrations `python migrate`

4.1 Content for PAYMEN_TEMPLATE

        <form action="{{ EASYPAISA_SERVER_URL }}/easypay/Index.jsf " method="POST" target="_blank">
                    <! -- Store Id Provided by Easypay-->
                    <input name="storeId" value="2785" hidden = "true"/>
                    <! -- Amount of Transaction from merchant’s website -->
                    <input name="amount" value="10" hidden = "true"/>
                    <! – Post back URL from merchant’s website -- >
                    <input name="postBackURL" value="{{ postBackURL }}" hidden = "true"/>
                    <! – Order Reference Number from merchant’s website -- >
                    <input name="orderRefNum" value="1212"/>
                    <! – Expiry Date from merchant’s website -- >
            {#        <input type ="hidden" name="expiryDate" value="20140606 201521">#}
                    <! – This is the button of the form which submits the form -- >
                    <input type = "image" src="checkout-button-with-logo.png" border="0" name= "pay">

4.2 Content for PAY_TEMPLATE

    <form action="{{ EASYPAISA_SERVER_URL }}/easypay/Confirm.jsf " method="POST" target="_blank">
            <input name="auth_token" value="{{ auth_token }}" hidden="true"/>
            <input name="postBackURL" value="{{ postBackURL }}" hidden="true"/>
            <input value="confirm" type="submit" name="pay"/>

How to setup tutorial project.

git clone
cd django-easypaisa-tutorial
pip install -r requirements.txt
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=easypaisa.settings on linux
set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=easypaisa.settings if you are using windows

python migrate

python runserver