This guide details the process of adding support for the Karakalpak language to the Tesseract OCR engine. It involves setting up the environment, preparing training data, training the model, and generating the Karakalpak .traineddata
This document outlines the necessary components and formats for creating a dataset for Tesseract OCR training, specifically tailored for the Karakalpak language.
- Large, diverse set of sentences or phrases in Karakalpak.
- Covers a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures.
- Represents actual language usage, including common phrases and expressions.
Meniń atım Davron.
Búgın hawa ayaz.
Adamlar paydalanatuǵın gezlemler tiykarınan tábiyǵıy hám ximiyalıq
talshıqlardan alınadı.
Men Qaraqalpaqstanda jasayman
- List of words in Karakalpak, one per line.
- Includes a comprehensive range of commonly used words.
- Special focus on words with unique Karakalpak characters.
- Lists all unique characters found in the training text.
- Each line represents a character and its properties.
a 0 Common 0
b 1 Common 0
Á 2 Latin 1
- Specifies ambiguities in character recognition.
- Helps Tesseract understand potentially confusing character sequences.
1 sh s h 0
- Contain settings and parameters for Tesseract training.
- Include language-specific configurations.
- Tailored to the Karakalpak language.
tessedit_char_whitelist 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÁǴÍŃÓÚShCh
- Box files map text regions in an image.
- Tiff files are corresponding image files.
- Both should be accurately aligned.
- Image
- Corresponding box file.
- Information about fonts used in training.
- Includes font name, styles (italic, bold, etc.).
Arial 0 0 0 0 0
TimesNewRoman 0 0 0 1 0
Adjust these examples as needed to fit the specific characteristics of the Karakalpak language.
- Google Colab or a similar environment.
- Basic Python programming and command-line knowledge.
- Tesseract OCR and related dependencies.
Mount your Google Drive and navigate to your Tesseract directory:
from google.colab import drive
git clone tesseract
chmod 777 -R /content/drive/MyDrive/tesseract
cd /content/drive/MyDrive/tesseract
sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr libtesseract-dev libleptonica-dev pkg-config
sudo apt-get install libicu-dev libpango1.0-dev libcairo2-dev
pip install pytesseract
Check the training text file format:
def check_file_requirements(file_path):
# Implementation here
Generate training images:
text2image --text=./langdata/kaa/kaa.training_text --outputbase=./box-training/kaa --font='Times New Roman' --fonts_dir=./fonts
Begin the training process:
tesseract ./kaa.tif ./lstmf/kaa_model_output --psm 6 lstm.train
Add ready kaa_model_output.lstmf
file to training_files.txt
ls ./lstmf/*.lstmf > ./lstmf/training_files.txt
- Extract unicharset
!unicharset_extractor --output_unicharset ./langdata/kaa/kaa.unicharset ./box-training/
- Create a
import re
def create_wordlist_from_train_text(input_path, output_path):
with open(input_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
text =
# Apply your regex transformations here
# Add your transformations as shown in the previous example
# Split text into words and remove duplicates
words = set(re.findall(r'\b[a-zA-ZÁáÚúÓóÍıǴǵÚúŃńÓó]+\b', text))
# Write the unique words to the output file
with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
for word in sorted(words):
file.write(word + '\n')
# Example usage
train_text_path = './langdata/kaa/kaa.training_text'
wordlist_output_path = './langdata/kaa/kaa.wordlist'
create_wordlist_from_train_text(train_text_path, wordlist_output_path)
Combine model components.
combine_lang_model \
--input_unicharset ./langdata/kaa/kaa.unicharset \
--script_dir ./langdata \
--words ./langdata/kaa/kaa.wordlist \
--numbers ./langdata/kaa/kaa.numbers \
--puncs ./langdata/kaa/kaa.punc \
--output_dir ./output-combine/ \
--lang kaa
- Modify configurations if needed.
combine_tessdata -o ./output-combine/kaa/kaa.traineddata \
from english model or old trained modelcombine_tessdata -e ./eng-model/eng.traineddata ./eng-model/extract_eng/eng.lstm
combine_tessdata -e ./finish/kaa.traineddata ./eng-model/extract_kaa/kaa.lstm
Starting LSTM Training for a New Language using an English Model
lstmtraining \ --continue_from ./eng-model/extract-eng/eng.lstm \ --model_output ./trained_models/kaa \ --traineddata ./output-combine/kaa/kaa.traineddata \ --train_listfile ./lstmf/training_files.txt \ --max_iterations 1000
Fine-tuning or Retraining an Existing LSTM Model for a New Language
lstmtraining \ --continue_from ./eng-model/extract-kaa/kaa.lstm \ --old_traineddata ./finish/kaa.traineddata \ --traineddata ./output-combine/kaa/kaa.traineddata \ --train_listfile ./lstmf/training_files.txt \ --model_output ./trained_models/kaa \ --max_iterations 1000
lstmtraining \
--continue_from ./trained_models/kaa.checkpoint \
--model_output ./trained_models/kaa \
--traineddata ./output-combine/kaa/kaa.traineddata \
--train_listfile ./lstmf/training_files.txt \
--max_iterations 1000
- Sentence generator from wordlist.
- Merge unicharsets.
- Parse HTML content.
- Sort unicharset.
Convert the checkpoint files into a .traineddata
lstmtraining --stop_training \
--continue_from ./trained_models/kaa.checkpoint \
--traineddata ./output-combine/kaa/kaa.traineddata \
--model_output ./finish/kaa.traineddata
You should now have a functional .traineddata
file for Karakalpak language, ready for use with Tesseract OCR.
export TESSDATA_PREFIX=./finish/
tesseract image.jpg output -l kaa
![Open Instruction TesseractRestAPI]
Clone rest api service for converting image/pdf to text
git clone tesseract-api
cd tesseract-api
Install docker-compose and run project
- For more information about Docker Compose, refer to the official Docker Compose documentation.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
Request :
POST http://localhost:3002/upload
file: [file content]
language: 'kaa'
"message": "File received",
"task_id": "task-uuid",
"file_uuid": "file-uuid"
GET /download/file-uuid.txt
- Ensure accuracy in paths and filenames.
- Regularly save progress.
- Use representative training data for best results.